Saturday, January 25, 2020
How Emotional Intelligence Contributes To Leadership
How Emotional Intelligence Contributes To Leadership The purpose of this report is to examine how emotional intelligence significantly contributes to effective leadership. Given the dimensions of emotional intelligence, the focus is made on how the current management can utilize the knowledge of emotional intelligence to steer organizations to sustainable growth. This is motivated by the fact that through emotional intelligence, leaders inspire and attract positive change by making people believe in them. When people believe in leaders, this is the departure for successful management. Motivation can give encouragement to everyone for their task. It also helps to motive peoples life that they can be active and enthusiastic that they can lead with their members as a leader who has a responsibility. Empathy describes a deep understanding according to emotional reaction of other people so they share their mind for others to understand as a leader who consider and care of members. Social skills are included in communication which indicates relationship with others so people can share their common ground and build their familiarity in society. It is clear that emotional intelligence has an effect in leadership. Emotional intelligence has five components to get benefits in leadership. Every dimension is based on peoples mind that leadership can be used with true mind of leader like self-awareness, self-management, motivation, empathy and social skills. Those components have different abilities which can lead others. Leadership is a way of harmony of organization. It is not forced and not passive. This paper has examined the role of emotional intelligence in shaping leadership and it is recommended that; good leaders know how to read and use their emotions positively to mentor and motivate employees. Table Contents Executive Summary 1 1.0 Introduction 3 1.2 Aim 4 1.3 Scope 4 2.0 Self- a weakness 4 3.0 Self-management 5 4.0 Self-motivation 5 4.1 Advantage and Disadvantage of motivation 5 4.2 Example of effect ion 5 5.0 Empathy Social skill 6 5.1 Way of ability 6 5.2 Understanding of mind 6 5.3 Benefits of social skill 6 5.4 Relation between social skill and motivation 6 6.0 Conclusions 6 7.0 Recommendations 7 Reference 7 1.0 Introduction The nature of the organization leadership plays a critical role in shaping the performance and sustainable growth of employees. Many schools of thought have therefore argued that leaders are born and made while others argue that leaders are only born and not made. However, looking at leadership in a holistic view, the concept of emotional intelligence comes into the fore (Payne and Huffman, 2005). The ability of one to be able to read and positively use the emotional attachments to influence, motivate and nurture people. The inherent character to attract people and command authority using feeling- is what defines leadership through emotional intelligence. In an attempt to examine the role of leadership through emotional intelligence, the paper will extensively assess the extent at leadership through emotional intelligence correlates with daily management issues and human resource development. 1.1 Background information Leadership is always a challenging role both at personal level and organization level. That why in major cases; intensive training to develop the acquired skills of stress management, sociology, and counselling is very vital. However, more importantly, it has been observed that naturally there are people who were born with very unique inherent traits that favour one to lead. These traits include but not limited to motivation, empathy, considerate, calmness, humility, command of authority among others (Goleman, McKee Boyatzis, 2002). Interestingly, these so called soft skills are centralized within the concept of Emotional intelligence. By example; one is said to be emotionally intelligent when is able to refrain from hunger when confronted; refrain from violence when confronted to; refrain from abusive language when pushed to- but instead in these entire scenarios act in a manner that will instead win the favour of the opponent. This is the nature of leadership that the world is urg ently in need for. Most organizations are very keen to acquire emotionally intelligent leaders. Leadership by emotional intelligence is the most desirable due to its key components of self-awareness, motivation, self-management as well as the social skills. These are key ingredients in attracting partners, managing people, skilful in decision making and ability to impact to the larger community as well as conflict resolution in work set up. 1.2 Aim The major aim of this paper is to report on how the traits of emotional intelligence (self-awareness, self- management, self-control, social awareness and empathy) significantly contribute to effective leadership in organizations. Noting that it imperative to appreciate the role and coexistence of an entire management team, it is the leaders who coordinates the team efforts to bear results. Through emotional intelligence leaders are able to balance between personal interest and conflicts with organizational objectives and draw rational objective decision that favour both parties. Additionally, this report will also recommend the best mode to shape individuals in developing emotional intelligence leadership (Mintzberg and Gosling, 2002). 1.3 Scope Leadership touches on almost all the areas of our lives. More importantly, is the question of whether there is deep entrenchment of emotional intelligence in the key decisions made. Management of organizations presents a key challenge to the real application of emotional intelligence leadership. As a leader (CEO) of a company, self awareness and social control is very applicable is achieving successful leadership. Touching on personal life is equally important aspect of achieving self-awareness, and self management. Socialization both within the organization and public fora is among the key ingredients that shape ones ability to develop emotional intelligence. 2.0 Self- a weakness This is the most important aspect of leadership since it is undoubtedly expected one should lead by example. It motivating employees and team to follow a particular management dimension, one is expected to be well versed and able to undertake the same. By example, most of corporate leaders take part in corporate social responsibility such as sports, giving day, donation programmes so that through that awareness leaders are able to motivate and attract people. If one is high tempered, the realization of the fact that he/she cannot withstand confrontation is a key step in managing ones emotions and thereby avoiding conflicts or practicing to be calm under confrontation (Raelin, 2004). This is a key step toward self- a weakness. If one realizes that through emotional speech, people respond and win over then this is key steps toward self- a weakness hence drive towards emotional intelligence leadership. 3.0 Self-management Leaders are expected to be organized and directive in their own life. Managers for example are expected to be neat, well dressed as a reflection of self ethic and organization. In this case, directing employees to adopt particular directive will be an additional motivation hence easy to execute. Is a leader able to manage time? For managers who report early in their workplace, it is a clear motivation among the junior staff to equally come earlier and automatically adopts the leadership style without formal enforcement. In simple terms, as a leader, the extent of self management attracts, motivates and nurture people around you. This is what emotional intelligence leadership is all about. 4.0 Self-motivation 4.1 Advantage and Disadvantage of motivation Motivation can lead leaders to expect better results than working without motivation because they can make an effort when they have their selected goal. By having a motivation, people expect their achievement when they go through conflicts and difficulties so it can be positive behaviour for them. 4.2 Example of effect ion If leaders are in negative mood, they will not be able to manage others, for example, people who just care of task which just assigned from others and just follow other people. They are lack of motivation because they do not practice spontaneously. If they get motivation, they will challenge for aiming to get their achievement. Anand (2010) states this factor is related to self-awareness because when leaders they realise their own personality they can recognize what they really need that motivation can be found in this situation. As condition of leader, capable leadership regards as the most important component. Clarke (2010) states emotional intelligence indicates some relationship with leadership. This ability can encourage others to achieve in their field. It also can adjust balance of mood. Well-managed performance can be influenced in task and it can enhance ability that it makes rational outcome so it causes effective mood and emotion at work. 5.0 Empathy Social skill 5.1 Way of ability Empathy is the ability to share their mind that can be done with deep understanding. Understanding other peoples mind will be concerned as a way of management. It is an important point to be a leader. 5.2 Understanding of mind Leadership is to lead others that they should realise thoroughly. They also should be enthusiastic and active because they can encourage and give energy when they feel positive, for example, sharing the true mind is important to sense how others are feeling. It is beneficial both of them. They can see what they need. Empathy is likely to be helpful for someone who feels sad and has negative idea. When other people cannot concentrate on work because of other problem, leaders can adjust their problem by handling together with them but leaders should not control whole thing because they cannot solve the problem independently. They will rely on leaders without any enthusiasm about their work. These all emotional intelligences are related to ability of leadership. 5.3 Benefits of social skill Social skills will be likely to get motivation. Social skill is based on communication because people can look for their result by discussion with others. In this process, communication will be allowed to use. Clarke (2010) states this social skill helps leaders to prepare for management so they can notice what they have to prepare by talking with others and they can lead others in appropriate way, for example, making friends is helpful for each one in society. People can share what they think. 5.4 Relation between social skill and motivation They can handle emotional reactions from others and can lead others to get effectiveness. If they do not have connection each other, they cannot be a good leader even though managers are outstanding and diligent because they have personality which is not good at social skill. Components of emotional intelligence are necessary for leadership effectiveness. 6.0 Conclusions In the ability of leadership, leaders need to manage and encourage others so emotional intelligence describes about five components which help leaders to prepare themselves. Self-awareness is the understanding of mind by people. Leaders can manage when they are completely able to recognise themselves. They also can realise the needs of requirement. Self-management is also related to self-awareness but management is the ability to control their mood that they can regulate themselves. Motivation is ultimately necessary for leadership because people usually think of their objective that if they select their goal they will focus on successful achievement. Ability of empathy is helpful to someone face with difficulties. Uncomfortable feeling prevent peoples task so leaders need to provide empathic mind to others for encouragement. Social skills are one of the important components. People usually open their mind when they think they have common senses and they are close. To solve this prob lem, managing and building relationship is important to understand others for leaders. 7.0 Recommendations The entire report has extensively reflected on the role of emotional intelligence enhances effective leadership. Given the nature of diverse leadership exposure within organizations, it is recommending that; In an effort to develop strong management team, organizations should invest in training and retraining of employees to ensure they acquire the additional skills such as financial risk management skills, information management technology so as to be able to adapt to the ever emerging challenges in organizations. Self expression is very important is shaping ones emotional intelligence. It is therefore important that senior leaders nurture future leaders (junior staff) through allowing self expression and socialization.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Puente Hills
Puente Hill Toyota Puente Hills Toyota (PHT) is a large Toyota dealership which is owned by the corporation Hitchcock Automotive Services. PHT is situated in city of industry, California, about 25 miles east of Los Angeles. PHT offers a wide variety of new and used cars (this is unique in the industry). Furthermore they offer Toyota incentives, service specials, and Toyota parts savings. The annual profits of PHT totaled about $1. 8, with annual sales of $ 85 million. PHT had a total of 145 employees. The employees are very valuable to PHT due they are the ones who have to advise the customer, sell the vehicles and repair them.But it is hard to keep them al motivated. As said by Howard Hakes; â€Å"It's people who give us our biggest successes as well as our biggest challenges†. The most important is to get all the employees in the same direction, to reach the companies goals. For PHT there are two important things, that both the manufacturers and the customers are happy. PHT is divided in five departments, who are reporting directly to the dealership manager, namely: a sales department, and service department, a body shop department, a parts department and a Finance and Insurance department.The departments are managed as profit centers. Within this profit centers there are different performance measurement and incentive systems. First the performance measures and incentive systems that apply to all the departments will be discussed. Than the Sales and Service department will be discussed separately. All the bonus plans within the sales department start from one. At PHT, most employees’ variable incentive pay increases linearly with performance, however performance is defined; that is, the higher the performance, the larger the bonuses that are paid.In most large companies, however, particularly at managerial levels, no bonuses are paid until a minimum level of performance, such as a budget goal, is exceeded. An advantage hereof is that managers w ill not so fast engage in earnings management; ‘save sales' for a future period to reach their targets. Or ‘take a bath', they make results (look worse) in bad times to get an advance on better results in the subsequent period (Merchant & Van de Stede, 2007 p. 187).An disadvantage for PHT could be that an manager could be satisfied with an certain amount of bonus and will not work as hard as he did before anymore, due there isn't a real target. Goal-setting doesn't seem so important for PHT. But also goal setting can have negative impacts. An example is that the pressure for the managers and employees can be too high. p. 30 In short, we think it is a good way to motivate the employees, because the managers will not ‘take a bath' or ‘save sales'.At the other hand we think that employees always want to increase their bonus because they are self interested so they will be motivated. The other performance measures are CSI and ESI, but it's vague how this performa nce measure are used. They could be used in a positive sense, to provide â€Å"discretionary†bonuses or in a negative sense to limit the amount of the bonus. We think this has to change because of two reasons, first of all it is not clear how it influences the bonus of the employees. Secondly, there isn't a group reward within PHT.By making the CSI an collective measure system a few things improve. The most important is the communication of expectations and mutual monitoring (social control). Evidence suggest that group rewards can have a positive effects on motivation and performance (Mercheant p. 89). Thus they should adapt the survey that customers have to fill in that the final result is an mark. If the average of the marks given by the customers is 7 or higher, the bonus of all the employees who have contact with customers and the managers who are responsible for these employees will increase.If it is lower than 7 the bonus will decrease (see figure 1 for an example). I n this manner group awards could be achieved. Employees will correct and support each other to serve the customer in the best way possible because it could increase or decrease their bonus. At this moment some of the salesman are fraudulent with the customer surveys. For this reason the survey should be done by an independent company. This doesn't only give the management more useful management information, but provides them also with a good performance measure.Thereby could this independent company also randomly pick some customers who are willing to make a second survey. This survey is focused on the as we call it ‘aftercare'. In this way the follow-up actions of the salesman and the service advisors can be monitored CSI RatingChange in bonus 1| -11 %| 2| -9 %| 3| -7 %| 4| -5 %| 5| -3 %| 6| -1 %| 7| +1 %| 8| +3 %| 9| +5 %| 10| +7 %| Sales department In the sales department it is all about one thing, sales of vehicles. For the employees of this department two things are impor tant, profit made on a sold car and customer satisfaction (already described).We can make a distinction between five different bonus plans. First the Salesmen and the assistant sales manager they earn respectively 20% and 7% of the gross profit of every deal. It is good that this measure focus on gross profit and not on how many cars sold. Due this reason there is no behavioral displacement, there are no side effects that will deliver extra indirect costs. When they for example should give a fixed bonus for each car sold, sales man will do everything to sell a vehicle and lower the prices in the bargaining process as far as possible.Now the salesmen and the assistant sales manager are motivated to sell as many cars as possible but with a good margin. Secondly the desk sales managers en de general sales manager and the vehicle sales manager get a bonus based on a percentage of departmental profit after overhead expenses before tax. The general sales manager gets a bonus of 2,5%, the sales desk manager gets a bonus of 1,2-1,5% and the used vehicle sales manager gets 5% but this is only from the used vehicle department. It is good that the bonus is based on the departmental profit after overhead expenses.Because in this manner you create an entrepreneurial way of thinking. The better you do your job, the higher your income will be. This for example can also reduce ‘on the job consumption' because, if the expenses are high net income will be lower and this will influence the bonus of the managers. In our opinion it is good that managers get an entrepreneurial way of thinking. They should have the idea that they own the company a little bit. Service departement: Service technicians salary are based upon flag hour. Flag hours are standards set by the manufacturer to complete a specific task' They receive $ 10-23 per ‘flag hour'. Average Technicians at PHT need about 45 minutes to do one flag hour of work, but the top technicians could it do much quickerà ‚ As said in the case service technicians are paid but the job and so they incentives to ‘cut corners'. By completing the task in less minutes then is set standard they receive more salary. Control mechanism: 1. If time spent on the task was very low, the technicians must explain the divergence 2. Monitoring the number of re-checks.Re-checks occur when problems are nog fixed right the first time ( 1% re-check is considered as good) We would recommend no changes in the incentive system for the service technicians. There are incentives for the service technicians to cut corners but this controlled by the PHT management. For example the current re-check percentage of PHT (0. 006%) is far below the 1% that is considered as good in the industry. We agree with the statement of Hakes that this percentage must be significant higher if the service technicians actual are cutting corners.Service Advisors Service advisors at PHT receive a fixed salary of approximately $ 2000 per month. I n addition they receive the following bonus: * 8% commission customer paid labor * 6% commission manufacturer paid labor (under warranty) * 6% commission part paid on labor internally at PHT So the bonus he could receive are paid on commission, so their earnings are depending on their sale skills. This typically used method for automotive service advisors. We think there a disadvantage of this system that is based n turnover: advisors could also receive bonuses even if the department are not making profits. Bonuses’ that rely on profit don’t have this problem. The service manager: The service manager receives a fixed salary of $ 3000 per month and in addition a bonus based on a percentage of the service department gross profit (before overhead expenses). If he gross profit is above the $ 195. 000 the service manager receives a percentage of 4% and if the gross profit was 195. 00 or lower the manager receives a percentage of 3. 75%.We recommend no changes here All i nterdepartmental transfers were done at market prices. So if the department used vehicles are served in the PHT shop, the sales department paid full retail price for parts and labor. They could give a discount to the sales department or transfer it at cost. In this way you shift profits from the one department to another department. Because each department in PHT is managed as profit centre we think you shouldn’t change the policy of market prices In the whole company incentive pay is used. In our opinion pay for performance plans can be truly effort inducing. 1 ) Individuals tend to improve their work performance when a strong performance pay linkage exist (2) incentives can help make employee behavior consistent with the organizations goals (3) Assessing the performance of each employee individually helps the firm achieve individual equity (otherwise they may leave or reduce effort). Of course there are also some disadvantages of pay for performance plans; for example, Empl oyees may be tempted to do only what they get paid for, ignoring those intangible aspects of the job that are not explicitly rewarded.Cooperation and teamwork may be damaged if individual merit pay is too strongly emphasized. Individual merit systems assume that the employee is in control of the primary factors affecting his or her work output, an assumption that may not be true. In the (Narotama, 2000 , p. 257-286) HOE verwijzen. In the case of Puente Hill none of these problems are discussed and the overall performance of Puente Hill is quite well. Therefore we tend to conclude that the pay for performance plan at Puente Hill are quite effective. Conclusion We have a few recommendations for PHT introducing CSI as performance easurement in order to (maybe) improve communication, motivation and performance. Second, introducing more subjectivity in performance measure. And third, the bonus plan of the service advisor can be changed from turn-over based to profit based so there will n ot be a bonus if the department has no profit. Further we would recommend more non-financial performances measure. In could be useful to introduce more subjectivity. In some cases employees have no influence on the profit or revenues (crisis) although they are judged on this measures and so going backwards on salary.For example by introducing a committee that keeps track of these sort situations this can be prevented. Bonuses are paid on monthly basis. So employees are aware whether they perform well or not and so have motivation to improve their tasks or continue their current tasks. Bonuses at PHT are based upon measures that mostly can be influenced by the employees (positive) in cases they can’t influence, we proposed a committee that can judge of the situation occurs. Altogether we think the current measurement and incentive system is quite alright. Evidence therefore is that PHT had won many awards for excellent performance. ReferencesMerchant, K. A. and Van der Stede W . A. (2012). Management Control Systems. Prentice Hall (Third Edition), expect to be rewarded for their personal accomplishments and contributions. Unfortunately, the more closely pay is tied to particular performance indicators, the more employees tend to focus on those indicators and neglect other important job components that are more difficult to measure. By creating pressure to produce and to â€Å"keep score,†incentives may induce employees to engage in undesirable behaviors, to cut corners, deceive, misinform, hide negative information, take more credit than they deserve, and the likeFor instance, employees may withhold information from a colleague if they believe that it will help the other person get ahead. Those who are receiving less than they feel they deserve may try to â€Å"get back†at those who are receiving more, perhaps by sabotaging a project or spreading rumors. Internal competition may set off rivalries that lead to quality problems or even cheat ing. If employees do not consider the system legitimate and acceptable, it may have negative rather than positive effects on their behavior.A big part of the problem is that, to defend their egos, employees who receive lower performance-related payments than others tend to blame management rather than themselves. Unless an effective performance appraisal and feedback system is in place (see Chapter 7 ), incentive programs are unlikely to produce the expected results. Pay-for-performance systems may lead to greater productivity but lower job satisfaction. 20 Some research suggests that the more pay is tied to performance, the more the work unit begins to unravel and the more unhappy employees become.Pay-for-performance programs may push employees to the point of doing whatever it takes to get the promised monetary reward and in the process stifle their talents and creativity. Thus, an organization that puts too much emphasis on pay in attempting to influence behaviors may reduce empl oyees’ intrinsic drives nog gevonden op internet: Regarding performance measurement : The departments are profit centers, but not all costs are allocated to them. They are more like â€Å"gross profit centers. †The salespeople are held accountable for gross profit on the deals they initiate, so each salesperson is also a little profit center.The service advisors are paid on commission, so each advisor is a revenue center. The service technicians, though, are paid for work accomplished. It is useful to discuss why some seemingly uncontrollable indirect costs are allocated to departments (see Exhibit 3). These allocations are mandated by Toyota, so that they can compare dealership departments on a common basis that treats each department more or less as a standalone business. Allocating the costs also gives the department managers information as to what services are†¦
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Health Care Pros And Cons - 888 Words
Healthcare costs represent a high offer of Gross Domestic Product in the United States, with respect to Canada. In 2013, U.S. social insurance spending served 17.1 for every penny of GDP, versus only 10.7 for every penny in Canada, as indicated by an October 2015 report from the Commonwealth Fund (Karen E. Lasser; David U., 2014). Pundits of U.S. social insurance burning through frequently finish up this is unnecessary, forcing a delay American flourishing. Its one motivation behind why legislators, for example, Democratic presidential competitor Bernie Sanders (from the fringe province of Vermont) support Canadian-style, single-payer therapeutic services (Karen E. Lasser; David U., 2014). The possibility that costly U.S. medicinal†¦show more content†¦Thinking back finished the decades, we can see this has remained constant over long stretches. In 1990, U.S. human services spending represented 12.6 for every penny of GDP, while Canadian medicinal services spending represented 9.2 for every penny (Frasier Institute, 2016). From a fiscal perspective, the cost of human administrations should be identical to the fringe cost of an age where the dominant part of this arrangement wins in strong free-market ensuring practical advantage (Marchildon et al. 2004). Since 1960, the United States social protection utilizes extended yearly in both preeminent and relative terms and 1980, the yearly rate of augmentation was reliably in the double-digit expand (Jonas, Goldsteen, and Goldsteen 2007). Uncontrolled social protection cost and spending account a critical piece of the reason behind extending costs of therapeutic scope in the United States notwithstanding a reduction in the work based security reflected an essential flaw in the present restorative administrations structure (Globerman S, Hodges H, Vining A., 2002). 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Huella Online Travel Case Free Essay Example, 1000 words
This justifies the commencement of the survey should be on those currently using Huella. Since the services provided by Huella are tourist related the other target for the study, are those leaving or coming into the country through the various airports. Sample Size For each category; current users, other OTA users and non-OTA users, the sample size will be 50 persons each. Since there will be different researchers and interviewees will be picked at random, it is not possible to identify the nature of the subject before we interview them only the first 50 in each category will be considered. Survey techniques (Interviews) The interviews will be carried out using Questionnaires; these will be handed to volunteers who can fill them out at the point of contact. They should be structured in such a way that they allow for screening so that questions the results of the second stage of the survey do not duplicate the first which was carried out on current users. Therefore, non-users would be asked different questions, they would further be divided into users who have used competitors services including; Orbits, Last minute, Priceline and others. We will write a custom essay sample on Huella Online Travel Case or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Survey Questions (Users) 1. How did you first learn about Huella? A friend Online ad Newspaper Others 2. How long have you used Huella Services? 3. Were you afraid of losing your money or compromising your privacy when you first signed up? 4. If yes, how did you manage to overcome this fear? 5. Would you recommend Huella for to a friend? 6. What improvement do you think Huella needs to make to better serve you? Questions for Non-Users 1. Have you ever heard of online travel agencies? 2. If yes have you ever heard of Huella? 3. Have you ever used the brick and motor OTA? 4. Would you use and OTA, if not why? 5. Would you opt for an OTA if it was offering slightly better terms than a physical agency? Questions for users of competing services 1. Have you ever heard of or used Huella in the past? 2. If yes why what made you opt of the competition? 3. If Huella had better packages would you shift to it? 4. Do you feel that your credit card data is safer in your current OTA than it would be in another one? Budget Expense Cost (approx. ) Duration Total Research Assistants(10) $100 each 2days $2000 Transport $200@day 2 days $400 Printing and Stationery $200 $2600 This budget assumes that the study will be carried out in two days during which the researchers are expected to collect data from at least 70 respondents each. However this task only requires one day, or a day and a half at most, the reaming time for which they are allowed the same rate is for compilation and tabulation of the raw data they have collected so it can be presented for analysis.
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