Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Societies Realization Of Rock Essays - Elvis Presley,
Social orders Realization Of Rock Social orders acknowledgment of Rock by Karen The social foundation of the 50's was one of thriving and rules. Authority figures were regarded. There was a good and bad. There were acknowledged methods of getting things done and white individuals did what was anticipated from their group. Youngsters and adolescents of the mid '50's kept these standards faithfully and unquestioningly. At that point the center '50's changed existences of Americans until the end of time. They concocted rock'n'roll. The foundation, which included guardians, educators and about ALL grown-ups tuned in to Bill Haley and the? Comets send Rock Around the Clock however transistor radios wherever in the nation. He was extraordinary. In any case, it was when Elvis hit the scene that the white foundation in each city and town began to stress. Elvis had long hair and sideburns and resembled a hood. He was a white person that sang like a dark person. His appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show was disputable to such an extent that it was accounted for he must be shot from the midriff up. Elvis spoke to insubordination and something unnatural and profane. Albeit frightful, the foundation anticipated that rock'n'roll was a trend that would blur away. Be that as it may, it didn't. American young people cherished the agitator style of Elvis. He spoke to a disrupt from the norms; he sang another sort of music that was theirs alone. He exemplified cool. Elvis crossed the lines old enough, class, race and culture in a nation that was moderate and right. He was viewed as a reprobate sort and was even connected to agnosticism and socialism (in spite of the fact that it was later learned of his solid strict and enthusiastic feelings). The grown-ups were sure that society would get Communistic and positively was at that point getting foul and disgusting. The nation would be damned. We have matches today: rap and underground rock are genuine instances of this. The children who are in to oppose society's guidelines with shaded hair, body puncturing, dress and exercises, for example, moshing. A considerable lot of us take a gander at these children with a dreadful eye thinking about what kind will come out of this. Some state this conduct will shape our future's general public into a nation of flippant mavericks. Indeed it DOES sound natural, doesn't it! Music Essays
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Creative Writing; Point of View from a Stuffed Animal Kitten Free Essays
Sitting up high, I felt like the lord of the world. The entirety of my companions sat beneath me and some sat next to me like Louis the XIV’s aides would sit by him. Since they were all underneath me, they all admired me. We will compose a custom exposition test on Experimental writing; Point of View from a Stuffed Animal Kitten or then again any comparative subject just for you Request Now I would see that they leave my territory cheerfully with inviting natives who deliberately selected them. A plenty of youthful outsiders would habitually skirt to and fro along my path, getting and embracing my delicate and textured subjects with merriment. Sporadically a portion of my companions ended up laying desolate on the ground, however help consistently came. An a lot taller, endured looking outsider dropped by and cleared the vulnerable up and set them back on their racks. I never fell however, obviously. Nothing could contact me at that point, until I met the day that would bring my destruction as a lord of my property. It was an ordinary day like each other. I was looking out for my friends with full aim of assurance when I saw an exceptional minimal outsider. This outsider was extraordinary and dissimilar to all other little outsiders that got through my territory. He wore a dislike his round face and stepped his feet out of dismay to the center of the path. After a fast scrutiny, his energetic eyes tossed furious looks towards me as I stayed persistent while suffering most extreme lack of regard. Before I could enroll in my psyche what was befalling me, I was being just barely gotten by the touchy alien’s hands. He crushed and squeezed all aspects of my body: ears, nose, hairs, tail, and paws. I was damaged again and again as I was examined and tossed into a plastic sack. Leaving my realm, I felt awkward warmth all over my body. I couldn’t see through the translucent pack, yet the brilliant light which went through blinded me. I was generally hurled into what I currently know is a transportation vehicle, hitting my head. Rapidly, the vehicle turned on, made a boisterous clamor, and started moving. It hit numerous knocks and I hit my head ceaselessly leaving my whole body sore. I was being covered by the plastic sack I was contained in and before long lost cognizance. Inside minutes, my life had gone from enormity to nothing. I was at one time the dearest lord of my kin, yet immediately turned into a servile slave. I was tossed at dividers, moaned into furniture, trampled the floor, and dropped in earth. My face would be bored into the mud many occasions throughout the years. Clingy juice and soft drink would be spilled on my once delicate, clean hide. My long bristles were cut, and my white hide was filthy. I felt more appalling than I looked. The monster family hound and the outsider kid frequently played back-and-forth with my irritated body, pulling me to and fro tearing the join at my appendages. Thick canine drool would dribble down my nose, further dirtying my hide. All I needed was to be adored. All I needed was to be thought about. It wasn’t excessively long until the outsider kid quit playing with me. The pooch disregarded my reality also. The inclination was self-contradicting. I wasn’t being abused any longer, and I wasn’t continually presented to agony and uneasiness, yet I felt alone like never before. Minutes felt like hours, hours felt like days, and days felt like weeks. I laid in a dusty corner for quite a long time confronting the worn-out divider, just ready to hear my environmental factors. This inclination was normal, basic to anybody overlooked and abused. This is the means by which I figured I would spend time everlasting. Before long life would change again for me. One morning I ended up in an enormous sack with numerous others like me. There were teddy bears, toy ponies, dolls, and vehicles. I was shocked to discover that they had been dealt with a similar way I had been by the outsider kid. Much the same as me, they all once had great lives which were torn away from them by the outsider. They were beaten and dirtied, however in the end overlooked. We were taken to the transportation vehicle and hurled into it. It fired up, and inside minutes we were at our goal. Subsequent to being exhausted out of the pack, my eyes met the essences of numerous young lady outsiders. They rhapsodized over us, for their countenances were loaded up with grins as â€Å"oohs†and â€Å"ahhs†spilled out of their mouths. They bobbed all over with fervor and expectation. One outsider delicately snatched my body and embraced me firmly to her chest. For the following a few hours she swung me outwardly swings and took me wherever she went. At night she would return me on the highest point of my rack †my new realm †for a reprieve and get me down again the following day. The entirety of the new little outsiders carried something to me I never had. They brought me love that I had longed for. The most effective method to refer to Creative Writing; Point of View from a Stuffed Animal Kitten, Papers
Monday, July 27, 2020
SIPA Summer Internships Abroad COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
SIPA Summer Internships Abroad COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog One of the greatest things about SIPA is the opportunity to do a summer internship abroad. And with abroad, I mean almost any corner in the planet. From Bhutan to Brazil or Cambodia to Bolivia, hundreds of SIPA students say goodbye to New York City every May to embark on fascinating adventures. This past summer I decided to go to Kenya. Before coming to SIPA, I worked for four years in development projects at the Organization of American States, but my experience was centered in Latin America and the Caribbean. The idea of living and working in East Africa has always been appealing to me; my summer internship was a great way to get a taste of what this amazing region has to offer. My internship, like most students in the MPA in Development Practice program, was with an Earth Institute project. A fellow student and I worked with Millennium Cities Initiatives, a project that provides technical assistance to over 10 cities across Africa to advance urban development. We were based in Kisumu, a warm and relatively small city in Western Kenya, on the shores of the mystic Lake Victoria. Our mission was to support the District Health Office in identifying all health providers in the District, and carry out a survey to find out more about their infrastructure conditions and the services they provide. In a city where only a handful of streets have a name, we also carried out a geo-mapping of all clinics, hospitals and dispensaries, plotting them in a Google Map that will hopefully help local authorities to better manage health delivery. Driving around Kisumu slums in a motorbike in search of clinics constantly reminded me of the importance of doing field work to give sense to what we study at SIPA. The challenges governments face to provide quality services and the many obstacles low-income people confront to access them are some of the most present discussions we have in class. Every summer, SIPA students have the opportunity to see these problems first hand, greatly enriching our understanding of the complexities behind development. Blog post submitted by Mariana Costa. Mariana is a second year student in the MPA in Development Practice program at SIPA.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Living and testamentary trusts - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2181 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Law Essay Type Case study Did you like this example? Answer The subject matter contained in this question emanates from the study of living and testamentary trusts. A living trust or trust inter vivos trust can be defined as a declaration made by a Settlor, during his/her life-time, to transfer some interest in real or personal property to a trustee to hold in favour of a beneficiary or beneficiaries[1]. A will on the other hand is primarily a document, legal in nature, which purports to speak from the death of the Testator, through which he/she transfers an interest in their real or personal property to persons named as trustees, to hold in favour of a singular or multiple beneficiaries[2]. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Living and testamentary trusts" essay for you Create order Due to the unique nature of trusts and the gravity of the obligations they can confer on an individual, there are elements to which a trust must conform to be validly constituted. Firstly, there must be certainty of subject matter which includes certainty of the trust property and certainty of the beneficial interest[3] In general, the trust must allow for the property to be properly identified and must also be clear on how the property should be distributed among the beneficiaries of the trust. Secondly, there must be a clear intention on the part of the Settlor to vest an interest in property in favour of the beneficiary through the creation of the trust[4]. This may be evidenced by some express or manifested act by which he/she shows that there is an irrevocable intention to create a trust such as the execution of a will or deed of gift transferring the property to their trustees to hold in favour of the beneficiary. However, the Settlor does not always need to transfer any int erest in the property for a trust to be validly constituted this is especially so in the case of an inter vivos trust where the Settlor can maintain and enjoy the benefits of the property for their lifetime and even nominate themselves as trustees. These principles also apply generally to all express trusts including trusts inter vivos although less rigidly so. It is from this general background in the foregoing that we can look at the dispositions made in the case above and further discuss their validity in light of the Law in force, recent legal decisions and the merits contained in the facts of each case.  £60,000 to my trustees to be distributed at their unfettered discretion amongst such of my good friends and colleagues who I have known at the various universities that I have worked for. The issues identified in this question is whether Aveline has created a valid inter vivos trust through a document executed under her hand purporting to transfer  £60,000 to her trustees for distribution to her good friends and colleagues who she had worked with at various universities. It is trite Law that for a trust to be validly constituted, it must be created with certainty of intention, have certainty of subject-matter and certainty of objects[5]. The subject matter of the trust must be property which is capable of being transferred. There is also a requirement that the subject matter of the trust must be something capable of being distributed among the beneficiaries and there should be no confusion as to how to distribute the trust property or who should benefit from its distribution. Finally, there must be an express act which shows that the Settlor intends to create an unconditional release by the Settlor of all future dominion and control over the property. O n application of the general principles regarding trusts above, we can see in this case that the subject-matter of the trust is certain and that the execution of the inter vivos document is a clear act which shows that Aveline intends to create a trust in favour of the beneficiaries named in the trust. For example, in the case Pennington v Waine (2002), the Court of Appeal held inter alia that the execution and delivery of share transfer forms to an intermediary for the purpose of registering a new owner created a valid transfer of an equitable interest. However, it is unclear from the wording of the trust document who her good friends and colleagues are or how much each should get as a share in the  £60,000 which is the subject matter of the trust. Legal decisions have confirmed that objects (beneficiaries) to a trust should not be vague and even though the Law will always try to give effect to the Settlorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s wishes, Avelineà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s description of who is to be the beneficiary of the trust is too vague too to constitute a valid disposition[6]. Even if there was any way to decide who her good friends and colleagues are, there is still a problem with how much each of the beneficiaries should get as shares in the money. This is an invalid disposition in the trust and would be incapable of execution by the trustees without further direction Re Baden[7]. One flat in London to be selected by Avelineà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s daughter as an absolute gift for herself and the remaining flats to be sold and the proceeds of sale to be invested for a period of 21 years in order to provide a reasonable income for my two nieces. The main elements of a valid gift inter vivos are that there must be a valid intention to create a trust in favour of the beneficiary, there must be an actual delivery of the gift or subject matter to the beneficiary and finally, that the beneficiary must accept the gift as it was given. Although the element of delivery is less strictly applied in cases where the gift is made as part of transactions between families, there must be some overt act through which the intention to create the trust is shown. In this case Avelineà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s execution of an inter vivos document satisfies the requirement for an overt act showing the intention to create the trust. The trust however starts to falter when Avelineà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s daughter fails to select any of her flats in London before her death thereby making it impossible for her to have accepted the trust. Failure to accept the trust has the effect of causing the failure of this disposition to Avelineà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s daugh ter. The remaining flats in London were to be sold and the proceeds from such sale are to be used to fund a trust to be held for 21 years to provide an income for Avelineà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s two nieces. The size of this disposition is subject to any previous selection from Avelineà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s daughter and since she made none, all the flats would now be sold under the operation of the inter vivos document. The rule perpetuities which seeks to limit the possibilities of Settlor continuing to exert too much influence over property after their death would not apply in this case as the trust was created in favour of Avelineà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s nieces who are were alive at the same time as Aveline and her daughter and therefore able to enjoy the property without running foul of the rule[8]. The limitation in duration of this gift would therefore make the disposition valid[9]. The words, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“a reasonable incomeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ also denotes a certainty in the subject matt er of the trust and that further validates this disposition Re Golay Morris v Bridgewater and Others[10]. A sum of  £200,000 to be distributed equally amongst my grandchildren, my nieces and nephews The intention is definitely evident with the execution of the inter vivos document but there is a bigger question when the wording of the document itself is construed in answer to the first issue on whether the intention was to create a trust or merely an absolute gift. There seems to be no intention from the wording to hold any part of this money in trust for the beneficiaries, rather, the intent seems to be that Avelineà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s grandchildren, nieces and nephews are to have the subject matter distributed amongst them in equal shares without more. There is no intention to create a trust here and none of the words of the document seeks to create one in favour of any of the objects mentioned[11]. Gift of residuary estate to family members who in the opinion of the trustees deserved it. It is clear here that the executors are given the discretion to decide in whose favour to perform the trust and thereby identifying who may have recourse to the court in the event that the trustees does not fulfil the duty placed on them. Avelines failure to define clearly the members of her family may mean that the property can only be held on trust for the Settlor or all her remaining estate McPhail v Doulton (1971). The test in the foregoing case is whether it is possible to define with any certainty whether a person belongs to a group or class mentioned in a trust as a potential beneficiary. The criteria upon which the trustees are to base their decision itself is unclear as the determination of what constitutes a deserving beneficiary in this disposition would be exceedingly difficult to define. As this concept is too imprecise to give any certainty of objects, this disposition will fail See Re Baden (No 2) (1973). Confirming this view, the courts have held in R v District Auditor ex p West Yorkshire MC (1986) that if a testator chooses a wide class of people to be beneficiaries and if the trustees cannot effectively fulfil their duties even under a discretionary trust, the trust must fail. Gift to Valerie if the trustees fail to distribute trust amongst Avelineà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s family It is valid practice to name alternative beneficiaries for each gift made to a primary beneficiary. This act is considered good practice and prudence as creating a gift to an alternative beneficiary in case the primary disposition fails, leaves nothing to chance[12]. In this Will, Aveline seems to have made a gift to an alternative beneficiary in the event that any of the primary gifts to any members of her family fails. Further investigation on the construction of the words making this disposition shows that this may not be the case. The literal interpretation of the will must be ascertained from the words used in the document itself and from the context in which they are used[13]. Upon this literal construction, the trustees seem not be under any duty to actually try to distribute any of the property to her family. However, there is an implied fiduciary duty to all trustees to carry out the intentions of the Settlor. Therefore, upon failure to disburse the estate to her family , Aveline has unequivocally instructed the estate to be given to her fried Valerie. There remains some issue with this trust. The extent of Avelineà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s estate may be an unknown quantity and one which the Trustees would be unable to define as at the time the Will was executed. There are doubts as to the certainty of subject matter under this, and various legal decisions would call this disposition into doubt[14]. However, the decision of the Court of Appeal in Hunter v Moss seems to point an exception to the rule of certainty in situations where the property is an intangible asset. In this exception, the courts would give effect to the disposition despite the fact that there is no certainty of subject matter. This exception would not apply if the property was land. Therefore Valerieà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s gift may be valid in some cases. Avelineà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s disposition to Valerie would be valid if the estate was easily determinable and also if it can be shown that any other dispositions to Avelineà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s family have failed. Bibliography Primary Sources Legislation Wills Act 1837 (c.26) Wills Act 1968 (A.C.T) Case Law MacJordan Construction v Brookmount [1992] BCLC 350. Paul v Constance (1977) Knight v Knight (1840), 3 Beav, 148, 49 ER 58 (Ch) See Palmer v Simmonds (1854) 2 Drew 221, HC Hancock v Watson [1902]AC 14, HL Re Wightwick [1950] 1 Ch 260 Thynn v Thynn (1684) Pennington v Waine (2002) Secondary Sources Books Wills, Trusts, and Estates By Jesse Dukeminier, Stanley M. Johanson Published by Aspen Law Business, 2000. Trusts and Equity By Richard Edwards, Nigel Stockwell Published by Pearson Education, 2005 A Simplified Guide to Creating a Personal Will, By Deborah Herman, Deborah Levine Herman, Robin L. Bodiford Published by John Wiley and Sons, 2003. Administration of Wills, Trusts, and Estates By Gordon W. Brown Published by Cengage Learning, 2002. Equity Trusts By Alastair Hudson Published by Routledge, 2001. 1 Footnotes [1] Wills, Trusts, and Estates By Jesse Dukeminier, Stanley M. Johanson Published by Aspen Law Business, 2000 pg 372 [2] Trusts and Equity By Richard Edwards, Nigel Stockwell Published by Pearson Education, 2005 [3] MacJordan Construction v Brookmount [1992] BCLC 350. [4] Paul v Constance (1977) [5] Knight v Knight (1840), 3 Beav, 148, 49 ER 58 (Ch) [6] See Palmer v Simmonds (1854) 2 Drew 221, HC [7] [1973] Ch.9 [8] Hancock v Watson [1902]AC 14, HL [9] Re Wightwick [1950] 1 Ch 260 [10] [1965] 2 All ER 660, HC [11] Thynn v Thynn (1684) [12] A Simplified Guide to Creating a Personal Will, By Deborah Herman, Deborah Levine Herman, Robin L. Bodiford Published by John Wiley and Sons, 2003 page 29 [13] Administration of Wills, Trusts, and Estates By Gordon W. Brown Published by Cengage Learning, 2002 [14] Equity Trusts By Alastair Hudson Published by Routledge, 2001 pg 75
Saturday, May 9, 2020
The Dangers Of Alzheimer s Disease - 946 Words
One of mankind’s greatest threats to its wellbeing is Alzheimer’s disease. This disease has plagued mankind for centuries and mercilessly strips people of their independence and intelligence. What makes this disease so dangerous is the fact that humankind has only recently begun to truly understand how it functions, this means that humankind currently has no defense against said disease. Why does mankind only now understand Alzheimer’s disease if it has been around for centuries? The reason is due to the lack of knowledge of the disease, especially by the public. If one were to go back only fifty years ago they would see just how little attention Alzheimer’s disease received; few people knew about it and even fewer were; concerned enough to actually bother learning about it. Logically this brings to mind the question: what caused this relatively sudden shift in perception of the disease? It is no coincidence that the disease is now widely known and identif ied as a threat by the public and doctors alike. Several factors caused this shift to happen. Everything starts with properly informing the public about these types of issues, for this reason, this paper will serve the purpose of properly informing the reader on Alzheimer’s disease. To do this, it will go back to the very beginning and trace the timeline of the disease. Once this basic foundation of understanding is created, the paper will begin to delve into the complexities and causes of the disease, and ultimatelyShow MoreRelatedAlzheimer s Disease Is An Ongoing Condition That Destroys The Connection Of Cells1689 Words  | 7 PagesAlzheimer s disease is an ongoing condition that destroys the connection of cells in the brain. According to the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America (AFA), it is estimated that as many as 5.1 million Americans have Alzheimer s disease today. 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Research has shown that numerous individuals with dementia, particularly those who are sixty-five or older, h ave brain impairments. All through the numerous periods of Alzheimer s disease, people appear to show any indication, yet harmful changes are occurring in the cerebrum. An unnatural deposit of proteins structure amyloid plaques and tau tangles all through the brain, and once the active neurons quit working, theyRead MoreAlzheimers Disease1334 Words  | 6 PagesAlzheimer’s Disease Brittany Mathis HCS/245 July 14,2013 Tynan Weed Abstract Alzheimer’s has many causes and affects each patient differently. There have been studies done that have found that older African American’s are more likely to develop Alzheimer’s than older whites. A cause of Alzheimer’s has not been completely identified yet, but genetic and environmental factors are known to increase the risk. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Air BnB stakeholder analysis Free Essays
Real-time data Is often used for navigation or tracking. Continental use real-time data also for flight statistics (where the most valuable customers are while In flight, which ones are affected by delays and cancellations), to support Lorene security efforts, crew scheduling, crew performance, fraud detection and so on. The goal with the real-time warehousing was therefore to solve all those problems and get happy and loyal customers and employees. We will write a custom essay sample on Air BnB stakeholder analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now Some of the goals are listed below: Give employees fast information about the business and customers Flight on time Take all of the baggage to final destination Easy booking, no overbooking – Increase services What have been shown is that the real-time Blob hasn’t Just improved and completed all of the goals, Continental has even started to use the system in much broader perspective. Make a list of most valuable customers, get knowledge about their trips, what they prefer, if they got good service and if something happening with them in the real-time and in that case give them right and direct service without them to need to ask for it. Customer facing’, near and personal contact with customers example: personal letter and so on) Improve of security because of comparing data in real-time with help of the system, helped FBI with searching after possible terrorists. It also helps to track people who try to track the system. Be almost always on time because of special booking processes, use all capacity of the plains, be always updating about price changes and act from there. Con tinental has invested approximately $30 million Into real-time warehousing over the last six years. Of this amount, $20 million was for hardware and software expenses, and $10 million for personnel costs. Although this Investment Is significant, the quantifiable benefits from real-time warehousing are magnitudes larger. Specifically, over the last six years, Continental has realized over $500 million In Increased revenues and cost savings, resulting In a ROI of over 1,000 percent. The data warehousing group made some Important Improvements. They developed a warehouse architecture that could grow and scalar to meet these real-time and operational need, developed prototypes to show potential end users, to get them excited about data warehousing and to give them ideas about new applications that here was business benefits for each application. They also made that data warehouse operates consistent with organizational culture. The warehouse proved employees with different information so that they can do they Job better and faster. All that changes lead that new project was successful. Elements of the data warehousing environment at Continental which are necessary to support and extensive end-user Blob application development are: Data exist in the data warehouse from sources that are trusted by end users Help from data warehousing staff is readily available and friendly Metadata is kept current and is easily accessible by end users via the web Users have access to and are trained in tools to access and manipulate data Graphics are used, when appropriate, for data display, making it easier for users to understand and interpret the complicated data being presented Special issues about data warehouse management: Date and time management is amplified because of the finer granularity of data Customized views significantly improve query performance and reduce the load on the data warehouse With the extensive number of on-line, real-time users, views also revived an extra level of security against access to unauthorized data Data loads come in via many different routes a nd methods, so generalize components to handle data loading are used to save the effort of starting from scratch to develop each new loading process The large volume of constant data loading means that it is not humanly possible to watchful TTL processes, so automated watchdog applications are used to alert data warehouse staff via pagers when their attention is needed for some anomaly Data for loading are put into standardized queues, from which pre- Ritter load utilities pull data for loading into the data warehouse, no matter what the source of the data are There are data loads, tactical queries and strategic queries, each with different patterns of data warehouse use, specific priorities are given to the different types of loads against the warehouse. Priorities also change by type of day. Higher priority is given to queries that require the fewest data warehouse processing resources. I learned ten specific lessons are outlines in the Lessons Learned section. These lessons can b e applied to the development of real-time data warehousing in any organization. Blab Britain How to cite Air BnB stakeholder analysis, Papers
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
The Environment Essay Example For Students
The Environment Essay An environment is a place that everyone is acquainted with as it is mentioned on television, newspaper and soon. In simpler term, it means the surrounding in which living organism lives. The environment consists of both the physical and biotic environment. Man and the environment cannot be separated because they both have a close relationship which affects the social life of man.  It is paramount to know more about it since it is a beauty and it is the only home for man which provides food, air, and other important needs. Outline1  Environment essay example 12 Environment essay example 23 Environment essay example 34 Environment essay example 4  Environment essay example 1 The environment is the main reason for the occurrence of life on earth and calls for the conservation of the planet. The environment is important for the survival of all form of the living organism most especially man which is why this topic is of paramount importance. The role of the environment to a human being in the present and future necessitates the conservation of the environment to ensure that the environment doesn’t turn into a devastating place for human wellbeing and also have great advantages for other living organisms. Since we only have one environment which cannot be replaced or created and this environment is facing global warming, pestilence, industrialization, chaos, social problem, deforestation and all sort of pollution. Students and another member of society should know the importance of protecting and conserving the environment.  Environmental conservation is therefore of grief important for the continued existence of human and another living organism likewise the natural resources. Environment essay example 2 We will write a custom essay on The Environment specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The environment is the natural surrounding which has an influence on every living thing. It is big and made up of the atmosphere which is the mixture of gases and suspended particles which surrounds the earth.  The earth atmosphere is made up of about 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen, 0.9 percent argon, with carbon dioxide, water vapor, and other gases, biosphere which is called the biotic component of the environment. The biosphere consists of the living organisms which are plants, animals, microorganisms and soon, lithosphere which is the outer solid or shell of the earth and finally the hydrosphere which consists of the entire water in the planet earth. These are water found in the air, underground and on the surface of the environment. There are benefits in the conservation of the environment which could be good health for man and animals, good soil leading to better yields of crops and soon. Therefore awareness should be made for the conservation of the environment t o stop every abnormal irresponsible activity carry out which might be of harm to the environment. Environmental Conservation is a universal term that defines anything we do to safeguard our planet and ensure the conservation its natural resources so the living organism can continually survive and maintain life. Environmental conservation is meant to protect the environment against the abnormal not responsible habits of corporation and business organizations. Environment essay example 3 In English, Environment can simply be defined as everything which can be seen around us from the air to the water, living creature, natural substances, and land. The environment is basically the living and non-living things. There will be no life on earth if not for the environment. The environment is essential for our healthy life, and all elements must be taken care of to ensure the survival of all living creature. The trees, the oceans, and the soil are important for our survival and must be taken care of to ensure their continuous use. People and conservationist should dedicate their time and effort into protecting them. 5th of June is the world environment day which is a campaign set in order to disperse the need for environmental safety and cleanliness. Argumentative discussions have been made all over the world environmental conservation, but this should be enforced. Afforestation should be made compulsory, and it has a whole lot of advantages because this helps in supplying m ore source of food for both man and animal, restoration of wildlife, increase research into plant and other natural substances with medicinal activities, soils will also be protected from bad weather which could make the soil lose it value and also save the human life from excess amount of carbon dioxide and making human being live a healthy and long life. It could also increase the quality of the soil when the leaves drop and decomposes forming manure to the soil which allows more plants to grow resulting in better air quality and beautification of the environment and land as a whole. The use of less or alternative energy sources by households, companies and other organization would help protect the environment and in turn protect the living organism.  Solar energy and wind power are two alternative energy which is renewable with little disadvantage associated with its use and can be used instead of burning fossil fuels and electricity in which a huge amount of energy is expende d. This can be done by making changes to our daily activities which will conserve energy and make sure less energy is expended in any activity carried out. For example unplug any unused appliances, plant trees to stop the use of air conditioner, the computer should be switched off when not in use, replace old bulb with efficient light bulbs and soon. Environmental conservation is a title of extensive concern, and it gives us an idea of how to go on with daily activities to protect nature. .u043973bafaa7e5f27f259612058a7b6f , .u043973bafaa7e5f27f259612058a7b6f .postImageUrl , .u043973bafaa7e5f27f259612058a7b6f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u043973bafaa7e5f27f259612058a7b6f , .u043973bafaa7e5f27f259612058a7b6f:hover , .u043973bafaa7e5f27f259612058a7b6f:visited , .u043973bafaa7e5f27f259612058a7b6f:active { border:0!important; } .u043973bafaa7e5f27f259612058a7b6f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u043973bafaa7e5f27f259612058a7b6f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u043973bafaa7e5f27f259612058a7b6f:active , .u043973bafaa7e5f27f259612058a7b6f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u043973bafaa7e5f27f259612058a7b6f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u043973bafaa7e5f27f259612058a7b6f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u043973bafaa7e5f27f259612058a7b6f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u043973bafaa7e5f27f259612058a7b6f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u043973bafaa7e5f27f259612058a7b6f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u043973bafaa7e5f27f259612058a7b6f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u043973bafaa7e5f27f259612058a7b6f .u043973bafaa7e5f27f259612058a7b6f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u043973bafaa7e5f27f259612058a7b6f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Internet, Extranet, Email in companies EssayEnvironment essay example 4    The environment is the natural world in which an organism has to thrive or maintain its life. It affects the growth and development of a living organism. The environment has the following benefits For healthy life – Free air which is devoid of pollution, clean water which is not contaminated and a clean surrounding are essential for a healthy life. Any pollution in the form of degradation to the water, air, and surrounding could be detrimental to the health of human being. Better soil and more productive plants – The soil is an essential part of the environment which is important for the growth of plants. These plants are in turn used as food for both man and animals. For the production of shelter, clothing, and furniture – Materials needed for the building of houses, production of cloth and furniture are obtained from a plant, animals and natural substances which are found in our surroundings. For the production of food – Food substances and products are obtained from plants and animals and other natural resources. In a nutshell, the environment is vital for the grown of plants and rearing of animals which is the best way in which food  can be produced For the production of medicine – Medicinal substances can be obtained from natural substances like plants and animals which are produced by the environment. Technological advancement and Environmental pollution have caused a great deterioration in the environment, and we have water, air, soil, and sound pollution. Take note of every part of the environment which includes trees, ocean, and soils. The big trees help in holding the soil in position and helps a human being in breathing by the release of oxygen also helps filter gases that might cause the earth to heat up.  The tree also acts as a filter to the water absorbed by the soil. Trees are also essential for the water cycle.  The ocean serves as a habitat for aquatic animal and plants. It also serves as a life source because more than half of the earth oxygen is obtained from the ocean and stores huge amounts of carbon dioxide to help maintain the temperature of the earth at an optimum level. The soil is also very important because without the soil it will be difficult for both animal and man to feed which is due to the fact that good soil produces good productive crops which m an and animal feed on to ensure growth and development. Plants and flowers which regulate the climate grow from the soil. Surface water may not be fit for human consumption, but the soil helps filter the underground water and makes it fit for human consumption. Protect the environment by using less energy and alternative energy sources and help to replenish what is being taken away by giving back to the Earth. College all over the world should educate people on the importance of environmental conservation. The environment should be preserved and conserved to ensure a better and reliable future.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Free Essays on Rembrandt
Rembrandt's style, subject matter and his financial success changed drastically from the Leiden period to his first Amsterdam period, and eventually to his later works. Prior to his arrival in Amsterdam in approximately 1631, Rembrandt’s influences had been his instructor Lastman, his studio mate Lievens, Titian and Caravaggio - indirectly through the school of Utrecht. Rembrandt learned the device of creating chiaroscuro scenes by his professor, but he surpassed the technical skill of Lastman by means of incorporating reflected light. Rembrandt moved from Leiden to Amsterdam during a time of vast economical growth in the capital due to the expansion of the United East Indiies Company. This growth increased Amsterdam’s population to over 90,000 which became one reason for the project to reclaim land that had been eroded into the sea. Rembrandt could not have chosen a better time to move to the capital. Amsterdam had become one of Northern Europe's leading Art communities. Within one year Rembrandt had already acquired a reputation as a well known portraitist. Rembrandt’s first portraits struck a balance between liveliness and elegance, in addition to fanatical detail, and this novel combination brought him instant business. It was during his first decade in Amsterdam when Rembrandt was commissioned most often by businessmen as well as significant figures from various religious groups and organizations. As Rembrandt’s career flourished he attracted many assistants and pupils as he did wit h Dou and Jouderville in Leiden. By 1636 Rembrandt had captured a huge share of Amsterdam’s market for portraiture, received commissions from the court in the Hague, set up an active workshop, married a burgomaster’s daughter and moved to a prestigious address. An example of one of Rembrandt’s commissioned portraits during this early period is Old Man in a Gorget and Black Cap, 1631, located at The Museum of Fine Arts, Bo... Free Essays on Rembrandt Free Essays on Rembrandt Rembrandt's style, subject matter and his financial success changed drastically from the Leiden period to his first Amsterdam period, and eventually to his later works. Prior to his arrival in Amsterdam in approximately 1631, Rembrandt’s influences had been his instructor Lastman, his studio mate Lievens, Titian and Caravaggio - indirectly through the school of Utrecht. Rembrandt learned the device of creating chiaroscuro scenes by his professor, but he surpassed the technical skill of Lastman by means of incorporating reflected light. Rembrandt moved from Leiden to Amsterdam during a time of vast economical growth in the capital due to the expansion of the United East Indiies Company. This growth increased Amsterdam’s population to over 90,000 which became one reason for the project to reclaim land that had been eroded into the sea. Rembrandt could not have chosen a better time to move to the capital. Amsterdam had become one of Northern Europe's leading Art communities. Within one year Rembrandt had already acquired a reputation as a well known portraitist. Rembrandt’s first portraits struck a balance between liveliness and elegance, in addition to fanatical detail, and this novel combination brought him instant business. It was during his first decade in Amsterdam when Rembrandt was commissioned most often by businessmen as well as significant figures from various religious groups and organizations. As Rembrandt’s career flourished he attracted many assistants and pupils as he did wit h Dou and Jouderville in Leiden. By 1636 Rembrandt had captured a huge share of Amsterdam’s market for portraiture, received commissions from the court in the Hague, set up an active workshop, married a burgomaster’s daughter and moved to a prestigious address. An example of one of Rembrandt’s commissioned portraits during this early period is Old Man in a Gorget and Black Cap, 1631, located at The Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Study Skills For English Language Beginners
Study Skills For English Language Beginners Learning any language takes practice - lots of practice! Often, its difficult to know what you should practice. Should you watch a video? Perhaps, it would be a good idea to do a few quizzes. Of course, you should try to speak English with your friends. All of these are great ideas, but its also important to build a routine. A routine will help you make studying English a habit. Thats the best way to improve your English! Make Learning a Habit Its important to be exposed to many different areas every day. However, you shouldnt try to study too many different subjects. These suggestions take a short listening and reading as the basis for daily practice. You are trying to learn many new things, so dont try to learn too much in any one area too quickly! Listen - 10 Minutes There are a number of beginning level listening selections that you can use on this site. Books written for children are also a great idea. Here are some suggestions for free childrens books that you can listen to on your computer: Read - 10 Minutes Choose a subject you like to read about and read for fun. You can find beginning level reading here on the site. These sites also offer easy English reading selections. Simple English NewsEasy English Times Improve your Vocabulary - 5 Minutes Take five minutes to write down all the new words you find in your listening and reading exercises. Keep a notebook, and write in the translation in your native language. Grammar - 5 - 10 Minutes Think about what you are studying in English class (if you are taking it). Or, if you are studying by yourself, take out your grammar book and find one grammar point to review. You can also use the beginner grammar resources at this site. Take a quick look at the grammar and then think about the listening and your reading. Did you hear or read these forms? How were they used? Speaking - 5 Minutes It is very important to move your mouth and speak! Even if you only speak to yourself. Take five minutes and speak out loud (not silently). Try to quickly summarize what you listened to and what you read. Can you do it? Of course, its better if you can do this with a friend. Find a friend and study together a few times a week. You can practice together. Thats it! Approximately thirty minutes a day, every day - or at least four times a week! If you continue to do this, you will be surprised at how quickly your English improves! Of course, there are much more ways to improve your English. However, make a habit of doing these simple exercises at least four times a week. When you have questions come to this site and use the beginning English resources, or use your grammar book. Watch a video online, try to use English in every way you can - even if the language is too difficult.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
No chosen yet (sociology) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
No chosen yet (sociology) - Essay Example Oneida community is a religious commune founded in 1848 by John Humphrey Noyes. This organization practices communalism where the members practice communal labor in which men and women have to work together and become an engaging community. Not only labor did members come together but in almost any occasions. Members likewise participate in enjoyment and self improvement thus they are not left in solitude. How the community worked and lived together in a â€Å"Mansion House†painted an unusual picture of a rich and happy community. Complex marriage is also practiced where in men are married to every women and women are married to every men. Other practices of the community include mutual criticism and ascending Fellowship. After many years of existence, the community later transformed into a capitalist enterprise known as the Oneida community, Ltd. (Olin, 1). Today, Oneida’s â€Å"Mansion House†serves as a tourist attraction. The Church of Scientology is another organization founded by Lon Hubbard with the goal to promote scientology. Under the organization are several separate incorporations with their own local boards, executives and directors responsible for the activities of each corporate and ecclesiastical. Members are taught that people are immortal spiritual being who have forgotten their own nature. In addition to this teaching, the organization believes that the experience of man could be extended beyond a single lifetime with unlimited capabilities. Thus they believe that events in the past affect the present limitations. Furthermore, they consider that man is good who seek to survive. However, his survival depends on him, his fellows, and his attainment of brotherhood in the universe. They also practice giving study materials and auditing course but with a corresponding donations. Just like Oneida, the Church of Scientology has its own controversy. Many believed that it operates as a cult and as a commercial enterprise. The Mor mons is founded by Joseph Smith in 1820. The name Mormons refer to the followers and their religion Mormonism. This cultural group is a form of Christian primitivism where other small independent denominations were based. The movement seeks maintain doctrines that supports the practice of polygamy. The members share a common belief with the Latter day Saint movement where they adopt teachings from the Bible especially the old testament, other religious texts, Books of Mormons, doctrines and covenants. The movement also accepts the Pearl of Great Price as part of their canon. Mormons believe in the Living Christ and the importance of eternal marriage. The Jehovah witness is founded by Charles Taze Russell in 1870’s with members that is over 18 millions. Jehovah base their teachings solely from the Bible however they have they own translation that they prefer to use. They believe in the destruction of the earth which they refer to as Armageddon. They claim that the only solutio n to all problems of human kind would be the establishment of the Kingdom of God. Jehovah witnesses are known for several activities. They are the religious group distributing The Watchtower and Awake magazines. They are known for their door to door teaching of their translated Bible, the New World translation of the Holy Scriptures, and are known not to accept military services and blood donation and transfusion. These religious organizations become a sociological interest because some of their practices are considered bizarre by
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Mandatory Military Service in the United States Research Paper
Mandatory Military Service in the United States - Research Paper Example Conclusion III. References Abstract A mediocre interpretation of the word â€Å"mandatory†will be obligatory or compulsory. The Mandatory Military Service of America carries out compulsory enrollment and induction into its services as part of its functions. With reference to the Legal Dictionary, enrollment is done through conscription also known as â€Å"draft†. However, draft and conscription are two different concepts. Conscription is the compulsory induction of individuals into the armed forces, as compared to draft which is the procedure by which people are conscripted. Men within a certain age group must register with the Selective Service for possible conscription, but this concept was suspended by 1973. According to this said source, conscription typically involves individuals who are deemed fit for military service. At times governments have instituted universal military service in which all men or people of a certain age are conscripted. Some American colonie s employed conscription. During the Revolutionary War, the American government used selective, temporary conscription to fill the ranks of its military. Congress passed the Selective Draft Act (40 Stat. 76). The act created a government office to oversee conscription. It also authorized local draft boards to select eligible individuals for conscription. The following year, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of conscription, noting that Article I of the Constitution gives Congress the power to "raise and support Armies". Presidential authority to conscript individuals into the U.S. armed forces ended in 1973. No individual has been conscripted into the military since then. Inception of the draft The idea that members of a community have a duty to defend it is as old as civilization itself. In a free society like ours, forcing citizens to fight involves conflicting notions of civic duty, individual freedom and equality. Although America has relied on an all-volunteer milit ary for most of its history, it was forced to draft men to fight the civil war and the wars of the 20th century. (Cited from Paul Ruschmann, Mandatory Military Service) George Washington was the first of a number of presidents to propose compulsory military training for all men. â€Å"Every citizen who enjoys the protection of a free government, not only owes a proportion of his property but also some of his personal services for the defense of it, and consequently that the citizens of America†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦should be borne on militia rolls†. Despite his proposal, his advice was overlooked and the all-volunteer militia remained. However, at the time of the civil war, there was enough man power to go to battle. The Confederacy which had a much smaller population than the Union authorized a draft. The next year, lawmakers followed suit. Despite attractive bonus packages, the Military was not attracting enough persons to raise an army strong enough to win the war. With the draft l aws conceived by the Union and the Confederacy, they allowed a man to hire a substitute to fight for him. During that era, that was the most intelligent means of exempting men engaged in essential civilian occupations. The law also exempted a man from serving by paying a $300 commutation fee to the government. Many Northerners complained that the civil was a â€Å"rich man’s war and a poor man’s fight†and anti-draft violence broke out in a number of cities. The worst unrest occurred in New York City, where anti-draft protests
Saturday, January 25, 2020
How Emotional Intelligence Contributes To Leadership
How Emotional Intelligence Contributes To Leadership The purpose of this report is to examine how emotional intelligence significantly contributes to effective leadership. Given the dimensions of emotional intelligence, the focus is made on how the current management can utilize the knowledge of emotional intelligence to steer organizations to sustainable growth. This is motivated by the fact that through emotional intelligence, leaders inspire and attract positive change by making people believe in them. When people believe in leaders, this is the departure for successful management. Motivation can give encouragement to everyone for their task. It also helps to motive peoples life that they can be active and enthusiastic that they can lead with their members as a leader who has a responsibility. Empathy describes a deep understanding according to emotional reaction of other people so they share their mind for others to understand as a leader who consider and care of members. Social skills are included in communication which indicates relationship with others so people can share their common ground and build their familiarity in society. It is clear that emotional intelligence has an effect in leadership. Emotional intelligence has five components to get benefits in leadership. Every dimension is based on peoples mind that leadership can be used with true mind of leader like self-awareness, self-management, motivation, empathy and social skills. Those components have different abilities which can lead others. Leadership is a way of harmony of organization. It is not forced and not passive. This paper has examined the role of emotional intelligence in shaping leadership and it is recommended that; good leaders know how to read and use their emotions positively to mentor and motivate employees. Table Contents Executive Summary 1 1.0 Introduction 3 1.2 Aim 4 1.3 Scope 4 2.0 Self- a weakness 4 3.0 Self-management 5 4.0 Self-motivation 5 4.1 Advantage and Disadvantage of motivation 5 4.2 Example of effect ion 5 5.0 Empathy Social skill 6 5.1 Way of ability 6 5.2 Understanding of mind 6 5.3 Benefits of social skill 6 5.4 Relation between social skill and motivation 6 6.0 Conclusions 6 7.0 Recommendations 7 Reference 7 1.0 Introduction The nature of the organization leadership plays a critical role in shaping the performance and sustainable growth of employees. Many schools of thought have therefore argued that leaders are born and made while others argue that leaders are only born and not made. However, looking at leadership in a holistic view, the concept of emotional intelligence comes into the fore (Payne and Huffman, 2005). The ability of one to be able to read and positively use the emotional attachments to influence, motivate and nurture people. The inherent character to attract people and command authority using feeling- is what defines leadership through emotional intelligence. In an attempt to examine the role of leadership through emotional intelligence, the paper will extensively assess the extent at leadership through emotional intelligence correlates with daily management issues and human resource development. 1.1 Background information Leadership is always a challenging role both at personal level and organization level. That why in major cases; intensive training to develop the acquired skills of stress management, sociology, and counselling is very vital. However, more importantly, it has been observed that naturally there are people who were born with very unique inherent traits that favour one to lead. These traits include but not limited to motivation, empathy, considerate, calmness, humility, command of authority among others (Goleman, McKee Boyatzis, 2002). Interestingly, these so called soft skills are centralized within the concept of Emotional intelligence. By example; one is said to be emotionally intelligent when is able to refrain from hunger when confronted; refrain from violence when confronted to; refrain from abusive language when pushed to- but instead in these entire scenarios act in a manner that will instead win the favour of the opponent. This is the nature of leadership that the world is urg ently in need for. Most organizations are very keen to acquire emotionally intelligent leaders. Leadership by emotional intelligence is the most desirable due to its key components of self-awareness, motivation, self-management as well as the social skills. These are key ingredients in attracting partners, managing people, skilful in decision making and ability to impact to the larger community as well as conflict resolution in work set up. 1.2 Aim The major aim of this paper is to report on how the traits of emotional intelligence (self-awareness, self- management, self-control, social awareness and empathy) significantly contribute to effective leadership in organizations. Noting that it imperative to appreciate the role and coexistence of an entire management team, it is the leaders who coordinates the team efforts to bear results. Through emotional intelligence leaders are able to balance between personal interest and conflicts with organizational objectives and draw rational objective decision that favour both parties. Additionally, this report will also recommend the best mode to shape individuals in developing emotional intelligence leadership (Mintzberg and Gosling, 2002). 1.3 Scope Leadership touches on almost all the areas of our lives. More importantly, is the question of whether there is deep entrenchment of emotional intelligence in the key decisions made. Management of organizations presents a key challenge to the real application of emotional intelligence leadership. As a leader (CEO) of a company, self awareness and social control is very applicable is achieving successful leadership. Touching on personal life is equally important aspect of achieving self-awareness, and self management. Socialization both within the organization and public fora is among the key ingredients that shape ones ability to develop emotional intelligence. 2.0 Self- a weakness This is the most important aspect of leadership since it is undoubtedly expected one should lead by example. It motivating employees and team to follow a particular management dimension, one is expected to be well versed and able to undertake the same. By example, most of corporate leaders take part in corporate social responsibility such as sports, giving day, donation programmes so that through that awareness leaders are able to motivate and attract people. If one is high tempered, the realization of the fact that he/she cannot withstand confrontation is a key step in managing ones emotions and thereby avoiding conflicts or practicing to be calm under confrontation (Raelin, 2004). This is a key step toward self- a weakness. If one realizes that through emotional speech, people respond and win over then this is key steps toward self- a weakness hence drive towards emotional intelligence leadership. 3.0 Self-management Leaders are expected to be organized and directive in their own life. Managers for example are expected to be neat, well dressed as a reflection of self ethic and organization. In this case, directing employees to adopt particular directive will be an additional motivation hence easy to execute. Is a leader able to manage time? For managers who report early in their workplace, it is a clear motivation among the junior staff to equally come earlier and automatically adopts the leadership style without formal enforcement. In simple terms, as a leader, the extent of self management attracts, motivates and nurture people around you. This is what emotional intelligence leadership is all about. 4.0 Self-motivation 4.1 Advantage and Disadvantage of motivation Motivation can lead leaders to expect better results than working without motivation because they can make an effort when they have their selected goal. By having a motivation, people expect their achievement when they go through conflicts and difficulties so it can be positive behaviour for them. 4.2 Example of effect ion If leaders are in negative mood, they will not be able to manage others, for example, people who just care of task which just assigned from others and just follow other people. They are lack of motivation because they do not practice spontaneously. If they get motivation, they will challenge for aiming to get their achievement. Anand (2010) states this factor is related to self-awareness because when leaders they realise their own personality they can recognize what they really need that motivation can be found in this situation. As condition of leader, capable leadership regards as the most important component. Clarke (2010) states emotional intelligence indicates some relationship with leadership. This ability can encourage others to achieve in their field. It also can adjust balance of mood. Well-managed performance can be influenced in task and it can enhance ability that it makes rational outcome so it causes effective mood and emotion at work. 5.0 Empathy Social skill 5.1 Way of ability Empathy is the ability to share their mind that can be done with deep understanding. Understanding other peoples mind will be concerned as a way of management. It is an important point to be a leader. 5.2 Understanding of mind Leadership is to lead others that they should realise thoroughly. They also should be enthusiastic and active because they can encourage and give energy when they feel positive, for example, sharing the true mind is important to sense how others are feeling. It is beneficial both of them. They can see what they need. Empathy is likely to be helpful for someone who feels sad and has negative idea. When other people cannot concentrate on work because of other problem, leaders can adjust their problem by handling together with them but leaders should not control whole thing because they cannot solve the problem independently. They will rely on leaders without any enthusiasm about their work. These all emotional intelligences are related to ability of leadership. 5.3 Benefits of social skill Social skills will be likely to get motivation. Social skill is based on communication because people can look for their result by discussion with others. In this process, communication will be allowed to use. Clarke (2010) states this social skill helps leaders to prepare for management so they can notice what they have to prepare by talking with others and they can lead others in appropriate way, for example, making friends is helpful for each one in society. People can share what they think. 5.4 Relation between social skill and motivation They can handle emotional reactions from others and can lead others to get effectiveness. If they do not have connection each other, they cannot be a good leader even though managers are outstanding and diligent because they have personality which is not good at social skill. Components of emotional intelligence are necessary for leadership effectiveness. 6.0 Conclusions In the ability of leadership, leaders need to manage and encourage others so emotional intelligence describes about five components which help leaders to prepare themselves. Self-awareness is the understanding of mind by people. Leaders can manage when they are completely able to recognise themselves. They also can realise the needs of requirement. Self-management is also related to self-awareness but management is the ability to control their mood that they can regulate themselves. Motivation is ultimately necessary for leadership because people usually think of their objective that if they select their goal they will focus on successful achievement. Ability of empathy is helpful to someone face with difficulties. Uncomfortable feeling prevent peoples task so leaders need to provide empathic mind to others for encouragement. Social skills are one of the important components. People usually open their mind when they think they have common senses and they are close. To solve this prob lem, managing and building relationship is important to understand others for leaders. 7.0 Recommendations The entire report has extensively reflected on the role of emotional intelligence enhances effective leadership. Given the nature of diverse leadership exposure within organizations, it is recommending that; In an effort to develop strong management team, organizations should invest in training and retraining of employees to ensure they acquire the additional skills such as financial risk management skills, information management technology so as to be able to adapt to the ever emerging challenges in organizations. Self expression is very important is shaping ones emotional intelligence. It is therefore important that senior leaders nurture future leaders (junior staff) through allowing self expression and socialization.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Puente Hills
Puente Hill Toyota Puente Hills Toyota (PHT) is a large Toyota dealership which is owned by the corporation Hitchcock Automotive Services. PHT is situated in city of industry, California, about 25 miles east of Los Angeles. PHT offers a wide variety of new and used cars (this is unique in the industry). Furthermore they offer Toyota incentives, service specials, and Toyota parts savings. The annual profits of PHT totaled about $1. 8, with annual sales of $ 85 million. PHT had a total of 145 employees. The employees are very valuable to PHT due they are the ones who have to advise the customer, sell the vehicles and repair them.But it is hard to keep them al motivated. As said by Howard Hakes; â€Å"It's people who give us our biggest successes as well as our biggest challenges†. The most important is to get all the employees in the same direction, to reach the companies goals. For PHT there are two important things, that both the manufacturers and the customers are happy. PHT is divided in five departments, who are reporting directly to the dealership manager, namely: a sales department, and service department, a body shop department, a parts department and a Finance and Insurance department.The departments are managed as profit centers. Within this profit centers there are different performance measurement and incentive systems. First the performance measures and incentive systems that apply to all the departments will be discussed. Than the Sales and Service department will be discussed separately. All the bonus plans within the sales department start from one. At PHT, most employees’ variable incentive pay increases linearly with performance, however performance is defined; that is, the higher the performance, the larger the bonuses that are paid.In most large companies, however, particularly at managerial levels, no bonuses are paid until a minimum level of performance, such as a budget goal, is exceeded. An advantage hereof is that managers w ill not so fast engage in earnings management; ‘save sales' for a future period to reach their targets. Or ‘take a bath', they make results (look worse) in bad times to get an advance on better results in the subsequent period (Merchant & Van de Stede, 2007 p. 187).An disadvantage for PHT could be that an manager could be satisfied with an certain amount of bonus and will not work as hard as he did before anymore, due there isn't a real target. Goal-setting doesn't seem so important for PHT. But also goal setting can have negative impacts. An example is that the pressure for the managers and employees can be too high. p. 30 In short, we think it is a good way to motivate the employees, because the managers will not ‘take a bath' or ‘save sales'.At the other hand we think that employees always want to increase their bonus because they are self interested so they will be motivated. The other performance measures are CSI and ESI, but it's vague how this performa nce measure are used. They could be used in a positive sense, to provide â€Å"discretionary†bonuses or in a negative sense to limit the amount of the bonus. We think this has to change because of two reasons, first of all it is not clear how it influences the bonus of the employees. Secondly, there isn't a group reward within PHT.By making the CSI an collective measure system a few things improve. The most important is the communication of expectations and mutual monitoring (social control). Evidence suggest that group rewards can have a positive effects on motivation and performance (Mercheant p. 89). Thus they should adapt the survey that customers have to fill in that the final result is an mark. If the average of the marks given by the customers is 7 or higher, the bonus of all the employees who have contact with customers and the managers who are responsible for these employees will increase.If it is lower than 7 the bonus will decrease (see figure 1 for an example). I n this manner group awards could be achieved. Employees will correct and support each other to serve the customer in the best way possible because it could increase or decrease their bonus. At this moment some of the salesman are fraudulent with the customer surveys. For this reason the survey should be done by an independent company. This doesn't only give the management more useful management information, but provides them also with a good performance measure.Thereby could this independent company also randomly pick some customers who are willing to make a second survey. This survey is focused on the as we call it ‘aftercare'. In this way the follow-up actions of the salesman and the service advisors can be monitored CSI RatingChange in bonus 1| -11 %| 2| -9 %| 3| -7 %| 4| -5 %| 5| -3 %| 6| -1 %| 7| +1 %| 8| +3 %| 9| +5 %| 10| +7 %| Sales department In the sales department it is all about one thing, sales of vehicles. For the employees of this department two things are impor tant, profit made on a sold car and customer satisfaction (already described).We can make a distinction between five different bonus plans. First the Salesmen and the assistant sales manager they earn respectively 20% and 7% of the gross profit of every deal. It is good that this measure focus on gross profit and not on how many cars sold. Due this reason there is no behavioral displacement, there are no side effects that will deliver extra indirect costs. When they for example should give a fixed bonus for each car sold, sales man will do everything to sell a vehicle and lower the prices in the bargaining process as far as possible.Now the salesmen and the assistant sales manager are motivated to sell as many cars as possible but with a good margin. Secondly the desk sales managers en de general sales manager and the vehicle sales manager get a bonus based on a percentage of departmental profit after overhead expenses before tax. The general sales manager gets a bonus of 2,5%, the sales desk manager gets a bonus of 1,2-1,5% and the used vehicle sales manager gets 5% but this is only from the used vehicle department. It is good that the bonus is based on the departmental profit after overhead expenses.Because in this manner you create an entrepreneurial way of thinking. The better you do your job, the higher your income will be. This for example can also reduce ‘on the job consumption' because, if the expenses are high net income will be lower and this will influence the bonus of the managers. In our opinion it is good that managers get an entrepreneurial way of thinking. They should have the idea that they own the company a little bit. Service departement: Service technicians salary are based upon flag hour. Flag hours are standards set by the manufacturer to complete a specific task' They receive $ 10-23 per ‘flag hour'. Average Technicians at PHT need about 45 minutes to do one flag hour of work, but the top technicians could it do much quickerà ‚ As said in the case service technicians are paid but the job and so they incentives to ‘cut corners'. By completing the task in less minutes then is set standard they receive more salary. Control mechanism: 1. If time spent on the task was very low, the technicians must explain the divergence 2. Monitoring the number of re-checks.Re-checks occur when problems are nog fixed right the first time ( 1% re-check is considered as good) We would recommend no changes in the incentive system for the service technicians. There are incentives for the service technicians to cut corners but this controlled by the PHT management. For example the current re-check percentage of PHT (0. 006%) is far below the 1% that is considered as good in the industry. We agree with the statement of Hakes that this percentage must be significant higher if the service technicians actual are cutting corners.Service Advisors Service advisors at PHT receive a fixed salary of approximately $ 2000 per month. I n addition they receive the following bonus: * 8% commission customer paid labor * 6% commission manufacturer paid labor (under warranty) * 6% commission part paid on labor internally at PHT So the bonus he could receive are paid on commission, so their earnings are depending on their sale skills. This typically used method for automotive service advisors. We think there a disadvantage of this system that is based n turnover: advisors could also receive bonuses even if the department are not making profits. Bonuses’ that rely on profit don’t have this problem. The service manager: The service manager receives a fixed salary of $ 3000 per month and in addition a bonus based on a percentage of the service department gross profit (before overhead expenses). If he gross profit is above the $ 195. 000 the service manager receives a percentage of 4% and if the gross profit was 195. 00 or lower the manager receives a percentage of 3. 75%.We recommend no changes here All i nterdepartmental transfers were done at market prices. So if the department used vehicles are served in the PHT shop, the sales department paid full retail price for parts and labor. They could give a discount to the sales department or transfer it at cost. In this way you shift profits from the one department to another department. Because each department in PHT is managed as profit centre we think you shouldn’t change the policy of market prices In the whole company incentive pay is used. In our opinion pay for performance plans can be truly effort inducing. 1 ) Individuals tend to improve their work performance when a strong performance pay linkage exist (2) incentives can help make employee behavior consistent with the organizations goals (3) Assessing the performance of each employee individually helps the firm achieve individual equity (otherwise they may leave or reduce effort). Of course there are also some disadvantages of pay for performance plans; for example, Empl oyees may be tempted to do only what they get paid for, ignoring those intangible aspects of the job that are not explicitly rewarded.Cooperation and teamwork may be damaged if individual merit pay is too strongly emphasized. Individual merit systems assume that the employee is in control of the primary factors affecting his or her work output, an assumption that may not be true. In the (Narotama, 2000 , p. 257-286) HOE verwijzen. In the case of Puente Hill none of these problems are discussed and the overall performance of Puente Hill is quite well. Therefore we tend to conclude that the pay for performance plan at Puente Hill are quite effective. Conclusion We have a few recommendations for PHT introducing CSI as performance easurement in order to (maybe) improve communication, motivation and performance. Second, introducing more subjectivity in performance measure. And third, the bonus plan of the service advisor can be changed from turn-over based to profit based so there will n ot be a bonus if the department has no profit. Further we would recommend more non-financial performances measure. In could be useful to introduce more subjectivity. In some cases employees have no influence on the profit or revenues (crisis) although they are judged on this measures and so going backwards on salary.For example by introducing a committee that keeps track of these sort situations this can be prevented. Bonuses are paid on monthly basis. So employees are aware whether they perform well or not and so have motivation to improve their tasks or continue their current tasks. Bonuses at PHT are based upon measures that mostly can be influenced by the employees (positive) in cases they can’t influence, we proposed a committee that can judge of the situation occurs. Altogether we think the current measurement and incentive system is quite alright. Evidence therefore is that PHT had won many awards for excellent performance. ReferencesMerchant, K. A. and Van der Stede W . A. (2012). Management Control Systems. Prentice Hall (Third Edition), expect to be rewarded for their personal accomplishments and contributions. Unfortunately, the more closely pay is tied to particular performance indicators, the more employees tend to focus on those indicators and neglect other important job components that are more difficult to measure. By creating pressure to produce and to â€Å"keep score,†incentives may induce employees to engage in undesirable behaviors, to cut corners, deceive, misinform, hide negative information, take more credit than they deserve, and the likeFor instance, employees may withhold information from a colleague if they believe that it will help the other person get ahead. Those who are receiving less than they feel they deserve may try to â€Å"get back†at those who are receiving more, perhaps by sabotaging a project or spreading rumors. Internal competition may set off rivalries that lead to quality problems or even cheat ing. If employees do not consider the system legitimate and acceptable, it may have negative rather than positive effects on their behavior.A big part of the problem is that, to defend their egos, employees who receive lower performance-related payments than others tend to blame management rather than themselves. Unless an effective performance appraisal and feedback system is in place (see Chapter 7 ), incentive programs are unlikely to produce the expected results. Pay-for-performance systems may lead to greater productivity but lower job satisfaction. 20 Some research suggests that the more pay is tied to performance, the more the work unit begins to unravel and the more unhappy employees become.Pay-for-performance programs may push employees to the point of doing whatever it takes to get the promised monetary reward and in the process stifle their talents and creativity. Thus, an organization that puts too much emphasis on pay in attempting to influence behaviors may reduce empl oyees’ intrinsic drives nog gevonden op internet: Regarding performance measurement : The departments are profit centers, but not all costs are allocated to them. They are more like â€Å"gross profit centers. †The salespeople are held accountable for gross profit on the deals they initiate, so each salesperson is also a little profit center.The service advisors are paid on commission, so each advisor is a revenue center. The service technicians, though, are paid for work accomplished. It is useful to discuss why some seemingly uncontrollable indirect costs are allocated to departments (see Exhibit 3). These allocations are mandated by Toyota, so that they can compare dealership departments on a common basis that treats each department more or less as a standalone business. Allocating the costs also gives the department managers information as to what services are†¦
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Health Care Pros And Cons - 888 Words
Healthcare costs represent a high offer of Gross Domestic Product in the United States, with respect to Canada. In 2013, U.S. social insurance spending served 17.1 for every penny of GDP, versus only 10.7 for every penny in Canada, as indicated by an October 2015 report from the Commonwealth Fund (Karen E. Lasser; David U., 2014). Pundits of U.S. social insurance burning through frequently finish up this is unnecessary, forcing a delay American flourishing. Its one motivation behind why legislators, for example, Democratic presidential competitor Bernie Sanders (from the fringe province of Vermont) support Canadian-style, single-payer therapeutic services (Karen E. Lasser; David U., 2014). The possibility that costly U.S. medicinal†¦show more content†¦Thinking back finished the decades, we can see this has remained constant over long stretches. In 1990, U.S. human services spending represented 12.6 for every penny of GDP, while Canadian medicinal services spending represented 9.2 for every penny (Frasier Institute, 2016). From a fiscal perspective, the cost of human administrations should be identical to the fringe cost of an age where the dominant part of this arrangement wins in strong free-market ensuring practical advantage (Marchildon et al. 2004). Since 1960, the United States social protection utilizes extended yearly in both preeminent and relative terms and 1980, the yearly rate of augmentation was reliably in the double-digit expand (Jonas, Goldsteen, and Goldsteen 2007). Uncontrolled social protection cost and spending account a critical piece of the reason behind extending costs of therapeutic scope in the United States notwithstanding a reduction in the work based security reflected an essential flaw in the present restorative administrations structure (Globerman S, Hodges H, Vining A., 2002). The examination between the two countries different financial structures has shown finding out about the refinements to the extent open technique, extension, and access, cost and the idea of human administrations,Show MoreRelatedPros And Cons Of Universal Health Care895 Words  | 4 PagesTo be or Not To be: A comprehensive in depth review addressing the various sides of providing Americans with a Universal Healthcare system and weighing its Pros and Cons. 33 million people in the United States did not have healthcare in 2014, according to the US census bureau. America, one of the richest nations in the world does not provide healthcare for its citizens. Although, so many nations do. Healthcare is a basic right that should be provided for by the U.S citizens regardless of religionRead MorePros And Cons Of Universal Health Care874 Words  | 4 PagesAssignment           In a country where healthcare is a decision, many debate if our country should keep our health care system privatized. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Huella Online Travel Case Free Essay Example, 1000 words
This justifies the commencement of the survey should be on those currently using Huella. Since the services provided by Huella are tourist related the other target for the study, are those leaving or coming into the country through the various airports. Sample Size For each category; current users, other OTA users and non-OTA users, the sample size will be 50 persons each. Since there will be different researchers and interviewees will be picked at random, it is not possible to identify the nature of the subject before we interview them only the first 50 in each category will be considered. Survey techniques (Interviews) The interviews will be carried out using Questionnaires; these will be handed to volunteers who can fill them out at the point of contact. They should be structured in such a way that they allow for screening so that questions the results of the second stage of the survey do not duplicate the first which was carried out on current users. Therefore, non-users would be asked different questions, they would further be divided into users who have used competitors services including; Orbits, Last minute, Priceline and others. We will write a custom essay sample on Huella Online Travel Case or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Survey Questions (Users) 1. How did you first learn about Huella? A friend Online ad Newspaper Others 2. How long have you used Huella Services? 3. Were you afraid of losing your money or compromising your privacy when you first signed up? 4. If yes, how did you manage to overcome this fear? 5. Would you recommend Huella for to a friend? 6. What improvement do you think Huella needs to make to better serve you? Questions for Non-Users 1. Have you ever heard of online travel agencies? 2. If yes have you ever heard of Huella? 3. Have you ever used the brick and motor OTA? 4. Would you use and OTA, if not why? 5. Would you opt for an OTA if it was offering slightly better terms than a physical agency? Questions for users of competing services 1. Have you ever heard of or used Huella in the past? 2. If yes why what made you opt of the competition? 3. If Huella had better packages would you shift to it? 4. Do you feel that your credit card data is safer in your current OTA than it would be in another one? Budget Expense Cost (approx. ) Duration Total Research Assistants(10) $100 each 2days $2000 Transport $200@day 2 days $400 Printing and Stationery $200 $2600 This budget assumes that the study will be carried out in two days during which the researchers are expected to collect data from at least 70 respondents each. However this task only requires one day, or a day and a half at most, the reaming time for which they are allowed the same rate is for compilation and tabulation of the raw data they have collected so it can be presented for analysis.
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