Thursday, October 31, 2019
Women Power and Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Women Power and Politics - Essay Example It occurs not because they are less active, but because their presence in parliament or in judiciary is minor. Society of today does not think of politics as men's place, however, the treatment of woman-politician and man-politician is still not the same. European countries are supporting involvement of women in politics because citizens of these states believe that a woman is more caring and thoughtful about her nation and treats all people as her children. As Amy Sowder has noted, Ireland, Latvia, Finland, Philippines and other countries have voted for a female president, while the Americans would never do the same choice. Why Does it mean that American citizens do not trust women and do not believe in their ability to lead the country to the further prosperity It has been noted at the first lecture that women use practical gender difference as the major concepts. I agree, because the American society is used to assumption that women are supposed to be subordinated by men and for this reason there is no place for them in politics. Amy Sowder used the words of Marie Young, Escambia Country commissioner, who said that men really believe that politics is their place, but because they cannot prevent women from political involvement they act as if men are just letting women to do it. Even though the article is written purely from feminine side, the point that women are able to push for change through teachers and parents is interesting and is reasonable. This quote is directly related to the concept of gender GAP - when people vote on the basis of gender. Women tend to express greater concern for social services and are more affected than man in this issue. Therefore, women are more community oriented while men are more power oriented. For this reason there should be a balance between women and men representation in politics. The author of the article "Women in Sudan" is focused on the representation of women in politics in Islamic countries. It is well-known that women from Islamic countries are lacking most of the rights granted to women in the rest of the world. However, the author notes that today the Islamic society has much changed: women present a strong exterior, possess toughness of mind and spirit. It to look at Sudanese women, it can be boldly said they females in Sudan are in much better position than in other more developed countries. For example, the quota system was developed under which women are guaranteed the seats in federal and state legislature. 25 percent of all federal seats are granted to women. The community understands that women can be effective in politics and change the life of citizens to better. The author expressed his opinion in the final two sentences: "It is very clear that there claims by newspapers such as 'The Times' that women's rights are in their "infancy" simply do not reflect the reality of the position, status and activities of women in Sudan. The fact is that within the Arab and Islamic world Sudan has led the way with regard to women's social, political and economic rights." I agree with this claim, but I wonder why the Islamic world were women were always in minor position has realized the benefits of women's participation in politics while United States has not I do think that women in politics are feministic issue because both men and women have equal abilities to think, to lead and to
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Communication Between Men and Women Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Communication Between Men and Women - Essay Example Tannen, in her book entitled â€Å"You Just Dont Understand†, argues that even if boys and girls are brought up in the same house, on the same block or in the same locality, they grow up in different words or worlds. These communication differences between the two sexes begin at very early stage. According to her, these sex differences in ways of communicating are evident even in three-year-old children, about the time when language is developed. While they want to get their way, both girls and boys use language differently to do so. She explains that while little boys talk to boast, little girls often talk to be liked. Little boys make demands; little girls make requests. Little boys prolong conflict; little girls speak to build harmony. Little boys talk directly; little girls talk more indirectly. Additionally, while little boys use more actions, little girls talk more with words (Kelley, 2010). Recently, there has been the study of men and women’s communication styles scientifically and researchers as well as linguists have documented the apparent distinctions that characterize gender communication. Tannen, a well-respected linguistics scholar and professor who has carried out research and written books regarding gender communication, asserts that women and men express themselves differently and for different reasons. These differences in communication are evident during opposite gender and same gender conversation, during one-on-one and small group communications. Women and men express gender communication distinctions in style, structure and content. Women often talk about feelings, relationships and people while men most often discuss money, sports and business. Women most often express themselves/talk to connect, to understand and to support while men often talk for competition, to resolve or fix problems. While talking, women are more
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Advantages Of Geothermal Energy
Advantages Of Geothermal Energy Green organizations in Dhahran aim to save environmental energy as possible as they can. Green organization found in Dhahran 2007 , from that time , organization prepare to start this huge project in 2010 to conserve energy in Saudi Arabia . In our project team we separated our team with respect to our majors. So, we end up with five parts to work on energy conservation. The main problem in our environment that we concern on , is environment pollution and conventional energy wastes. In Saudi Arabia they uses only one source to produce electricity by using fossil fuels, and we all know that is harmful and produce a lot of waste. Moreover, conventional energy has a limit of source , so over the time we may not have these sources to produce electricity. However, in our organization we found some powerful solutions, and as a Mechanical Engineer in this organization I found that the suitable energy we can use is the renewable ones, So, I found geothermal energy is the most powerful type. Many of kinds of energy we use in our daily life , in home, cars, etc. are not renewable forms of energy. The major source of these types is fossil fuels, as we know that fossil fuels took millions of years to form, so its impossible to make it now. Unfortunately, these kinds of energy has limited amounts of sources. Moreover, these sources cannot be renewed , when they are gone they cannot be used again .So, we need as a green organization and as a part of people live in our environment to save these energy as much as we can . However , there are many other kinds of energy called renewable energy .These types of renewable energy always can be renewed or restored. Unlike fossil fuels , which harm the environment, renewable energy has much less effects to our environment. In this report I will introduce one of the most powerful type of energy , not harmful , renewable , and good efficiency . Heat is form of energy , and the heat that inside the earth is the major source of the renewable energy that I will talk about. The part of the heat inside the earth that people can use it and exploits it to form energy is called Geothermal Energy . I will give you a brief history ,then I will talk about current status of geothermal energy activity in the world, and I will give you some idea about the resources , then Ill explain how geothermal energy plants work , then I will talk about advantages disadvantages and make some comparison , after that Ill give you some numbers statistic , moreover , talking about future of this energy will be exciting. Finally I am going to list some of the milestones of geothermal energy power plant. . -Brief History: The thermal phenomena , volcanoes ,and hot springs must led our ancestors to believe that the interior part of the earth is hot . Moreover, when the first mines were excavated to about few hundred meters between the sixteenth and seventeenth century , the man who dig he recognized that as he go more deep as the temperature increase . By 1904, the first electricity generating attempt was being made from geothermal steam; again, it was to take place at Larderello, Italy (Figure 1). Figure 1 , Mary H. Dickson and Mario Fanelli Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, CNR , Pisa, Italy Prepared on February 2004, The engine used at Larderello in 1904 in the first experiment in generating electric energy from geothermal steam, along with its inventor, Prince Piero Ginori Conti. This experiment was successful and it was indication of the industrial value of geothermal energy. Moreover, Larderello in Italy succeed in commercial electricity generation. And by 1942 the installed electricity which generated by geothermal energy reached 127,650 kWe . However , other several countries start follow Italy , for example , in 1919 Japan drilled there first wells in Beppu, 1921 in USA , 1958 in New Zealand , and in 1959 in Mexico, and followed by many other countries. From that time the geothermal studies applied to earth . And the thermal energy now increase ,but mankind can only use fraction of this energy until now. -Current Status : The thermal energy increases with time, and so far the uses of this energy is limited to areas where water in the liquid phase or steam . If we take USA status now , we can see that geothermal energy is not powerful , because USA has a special case where there are some reasons for that. First, in competing generating technologies , prices of fuels used are decreased. Moreover , demand for electricity has a slow growth. Another reason that has been a surplus of electricity in USA . On the other hand , we can get benefits from that repudiation of geothermal energy in USA . KSA has different conditions about electricity generation , we have only one source of electricity and the demand on that increases relative to time. So as a green organization we can contract with these companies that worked in USA , so we can get the experience and they can reactivate there work here in KSA. Resources of Geothermal Energy : Complex processes lead to heat concentration at accessible depth under the earth , this is the main source of geothermal energy. However, there are many different forms of geothermal energy resources , such as hydrothermal, hot dry rock, geopressured, magma, and earth heat. As an example , temperature of highly viscous or partially molten rock is between 1,200 and 2,200Â °F , these can be exist everywhere under the earth surface at depth of 80 to 100 kilometers. There are different characteristic of geothermal resources . First, hydrothermal resources, these are steam or hot water where we can drill and reach these reservoirs and deliver the heat to earth surface to generate electricity. Second , hot dry rock (Figure2) , these rocks stores heat at very high temperature and the plant inject cold water to these areas and extract this water after being hot from other well. Third, geopressured resources consist of deeply buried brines at moderate temperature that contain dissolved methane, however , this resource are not economically competitive currently, so no funds are directed toward accessing these resources. Fourth, magma , this resorce give extremely high temperature but there is no technology to get that heat energy until now. Finally, we can use earth heat as a resource and it is proven technology. Types of Geothermal Power Plants: There are three types of geothermal power plant, depend on the way that electricity generated. Here are the three types: 1- Dry Steam Power Plant: These plants uses the hot steam which extracted from the earth by wells to rotate the turbine that generate electricity. 2- Flash Steam Power Plant: This is the most common type of geothermal power plant. These plants extract hot water from the earth at 360 Â °F, pressure decrease as water flows up through wells , as a result of pressure decreases, water converted to steam . So, steam is used to rotate the turbine. 3- Binary Cycle Power Plant: These plants uses the heat from lower-temperature reservoirs to boil the working fluid which vaporized by heat exchanger and used to power a generator. The remaining water which never comes into direct contract with working fluid is injected back to the ground by injection wells. Procedure of Geothermal Energy in Details: Water in underground reservoirs is heated to high temperature by magma , production wells drilled up to 3 kilometers below the earth surface tapping to this hot fluid. Under its own pressure ,fluid flows up through these wells towards the surface , as it travels , the pressure decrease causing small amount to become steam. Then, hot fluid and steam move through a surface pipeline to a well head separator where the pressure in reduced, here, most of the fluid vaporizes and flashes into high pressure steam. After that, any fluid not flashed into steam moves to a standard pressure crystallizer to produce standard pressure steam . Then, remaining fluids is flashed at a lower pressure to create low-pressure steam. Finally, all steam created in the plant is sent to a turbine onside. The force of the steams spins the turbine plates which turns a shaft connected to an electronic generator. As a result, an electric charge is created and directed to a transformer , where the voltage is increas ed. However, any fluid not flashed into steam return to the underground reservoir where in time they will be reheated and reused. Advantages of Geothermal Energy: There is no consumption of any type of fossil fuels. Moreover, geothermal energy doesnt product any type of greenhouse effect. Also, if we talk about energy consumption, geothermal energy does not consume any energy since its renewable energy, so there is no limit of using geothermal energy. Furthermore, it is great for protecting the natural environment since the power plant shouldnt be huge. Disadvantages of Geothermal Energy: There are several disadvantages to geothermal energy. First, you cannot build the power plant in any vacant land, there must be studies on the area , and the area chosen should consist of hot rocks to get the geothermal energy as we want. Also, not any type of rocks we can drill into, there are some kinds which is possible to drill into. Advantages of Geothermal Energy Compared With Other Conventional Energy: * Fewer more easy to control emissions of atmospheric pollutions. * Fewer amount of wastes. * Demands of areas for a power plant is much less than other conventional plants. * Continues circle , renewable. Cost of Geothermal Power Plant: In general, economically competitive geothermal power plant cost $3400 per kilowatt. However , the cost of construct new geothermal power plant is higher than natural gas facilities, but over a long term they are similar in cost. This is because natural gas construction costs one third of the total price and remaining two third of the cost represented by fuel. While, construction of new geothermal power plant cost two third of the total price. So, initial investment for geothermal power plant is high, but with time it is economically comparable with natural gas plant. If you wondering that is the cost of geothermal power plan fluctuating like other fossil fuels, I can say no, because whenever you build a geothermal plant you should know most of power production and few market parameter can modify them. There many factors effect the cost of a geothermal power plant cost. First in construction period, steel and metals effect the price of the plant. Also, drilling price varies. Moreover, place of the plant effect the price because of connection of electric grid. Buy or rent land will raise the cost, because to fully study and explore a geothermal resource you need at least 8 km2. Energy and investment costs for electric energy production from renewables (from Fridleifsson, 2001) Current energy cost USÂ ¢/kWh Potential future energy cost USÂ ¢/kWh Turnkey investment cost US$/kW Biomass 5 15 4 10 900 3000 Geothermal 2 10 1 8 800 3000 Wind 5 13 3 10 1100 1700 Solar (photovoltaic) 25 125 5 25 5000 10 000 Solar (thermal electricity) 12 18 4 10 3000 4000 Tidal 8 15 8 15 1700 2500 Future of Geothermal Energy in KSA: Green organization always try to save our environment as possible as they can. After talking about the geothermal energy in detailed I think this is the time to conserve energy for our environment. So, KSA companies and government always accept new idea which conserve our environment. I think Saudi Arabia will have huge improvement in geothermal energy ,since the land behavior and hot climate and the increment of electricity demand as we see in figure below. Some Famous Milestones of Geothermal Power Plant: Here are some famous geothermal power plant milestones where Saudi Arabia can get benefit from there experience . Early 1900s First geothermal electricity commercialization Conversion of high-grade hydrothermal resources to electricity began in Italy in the early 1900s. 1960 U.S. commercialization The first commercial-scale development tools were placed at The Geysers in California, a 10-megawatt unit owned by Pacific Gas Electric. 1970 Reinjection of geothermal fluids Injection of spent geothermal fluids back into the production zone began as a means to dispose of waste water and maintain reservoir life. 1972 Deep well drilling Technology improvements led to deeper reservoir drilling and access to more resources. 1977 Hot dry rock demonstrated In 1977, scientists developed the first hot dry rock reservoir at Fenton Hill, New Mexico. 1978 Federal research and development (RD) funding exceeds $100 million U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) funding for geothermal research and development was $106.2 million (1995 dollars) in fiscal year 1978, marking the first time the funding level surpassed $100 million. It remained above $100 million until fiscal year 1982, when it was reduced to $56.4 million (1995 dollars). Currently, the budget is in the $30 million to $40 million range. 1978 Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA) enacted PURPA mandated the purchase of electricity from qualifying facilities (QFs) meeting certain technical standards regarding energy source and efficiency. PURPA also exempted QFs from both State and Federal regulation under the Federal Power Act and the Public Utility Holding Company Act. 1980 First commercial binary system The first commercial-scale binary plant in the United States, installed in Southern Californias Imperial Valley, began operation in 1980. 1980s California Standard Offer Contracts Californias Standard Offer Contract system for PURPA QFs provided renewable electric energy systems a relatively firm and stable market for output, allowing the financing of such capital-intensive technologies as geothermal energy facilities. 1982 Hydrothermal generating capacity of 1,000 megawatts Geothermal (hydrothermal) electric generating capacity, primarily utility-owned, reached a new high level of 1,000 megawatts. 1989 Geopressured power plant demonstrated In 1989, DOE and the Electric Power Research Institute operated a 1-megawatt demonstration plant in Texas, extracting methane and heat from brine liquids. 1990 Drop in Federal funding for geothermal RD to $15 million DOE funding for geothermal energy research and development declined throughout the 1980s, reaching its low point in fiscal year 1990. 1991 Magma drilling project reaches a depth of 7,588 feet The worlds first magma exploratory well was drilled in the Sierra Nevada Mountains to a depth of 7,588 feet. It did not encounter magma at that depth inside the caldera. 1994 Industry consolidates and looks at new markets California Energy became the worlds largest geothermal company through its acquisition of Magma Power. Near-term international markets gained the interest of U.S. geothermal developers. 1985-95 Capacity outside The Geysers exceeds 1,000 megawatts Since 1985, U.S. geothermal developers have added nearly 1,000 megawatts of geothermal electric generating capacity outside The Geysers. 1995 Worldwide geothermal capacity of 6,000 megawatts Worldwide geothermal capacity currently totals 6,000 megawAtts in 20 countries. Conclusion: After we see the advantages of geothermal energy, and after we know that geothermal energy have nothing to emission to the environment. Moreover, geothermal energy is the best type of renewable energy in terms of cost , efficiency ,and safety. Consequently, I think the most powerful alternative type of energy in KSA is geothermal energy. As I said, its renewable, so we will not lose any energy and this is enough to start geothermal energy production in KSA.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Bankruptcy Essay -- essays research papers fc
Over the years, the process of declaring bankruptcy has become incredibly simple. Because of this change, the number of people declaring bankruptcy is at an all time high. Today, bankruptcy is a common thing among companies and individuals alike. The American bankruptcy law allows people to avoid paying their debts by offering the debtors a discharge without a harsh consequence. By not having repercussions for their actions, bankruptcy filers often plan future bankruptcies, allowing them to steal even more money from creditors with no punishment. There are 13 different chapters in the bankruptcy system with the principal chapters being 7,11, and 13. You can only file for bankruptcy under these three chapters, the others are there to explain how the system works. Under Chapter 7, a person’s debts are wiped away while under chapters 11 and 13, debts are frozen while the debtor figures out a way to repay them. The people filing Chapter 7 are stealing money from creditors who are trying to help them. It is one’s moral duty to pay back his debts and one should be disgraced and embarrassed if they borrowed money they cannot pay back. Over 1,400,000 people filed for bankruptcy in 1998 under Chapter 7, Chapter 11, and Chapter 13. 75% of them were under Chapter 7, leaving â€Å"retailers, bankers, and credit-card companies†with $40 billion in unpaid debts (Kopecki 5) (Pomykala 16). The use of different reforms could cut down on the number of Chapter 7 filings and put responsibility back on the debtor. Declaring Chapter 7 bankruptcy is ethically and morally wrong and through different reforms this current â€Å"right†would be considered a crime. Bankruptcy was slowly transformed through history from being a crime committed by debtors into a social welfare program. In the past, bankruptcy offenders were severely punished. â€Å"Before the mid-19th century, bankruptcy was a crime†(Pomykala 16). There were many ways to punish those who committed this heinous act. The Pennsylvania Bankruptcy Act of 1785 allowed the flogging of these offenders while their ear was nailed to a post and afterwards the ear was cut off. Similar to Hester Prynne’s punishment of wearing a scarlet â€Å"A†on her chest for â€Å"adulteryâ€Å", people who committed the act of bankruptcy were â€Å"branded on the thumb with a â€Å"T†for â€Å"thief†(Pomykala 17). Various punishments like these served as a warning to future violators. B... ...uer, and Robin Leonard. How to File for CHAPTER 7 BANKRUPTCY. Berkeley: Nolo 1999. Feltman, Peter. â€Å"Bankruptcy Bill Closer to Enactment.†Bankruptcy Debate Continues 12 Dec. 2001. . Hanson, Randall K., â€Å"A new chapter in bankruptcy reform.†Journal of Accountancy Feb. 1999. Irons, John S., â€Å"Private Debt: Two Views on Debt.† 12 Dec 2001 Jasper, Margaret C., Bankruptcy Law for the Individual Debtor. New York: Oceana 1997. Kopecki, Dawn, †More American Debtors Turn to Chapters 7 & 13. (bankruptcy law makes discharging debt easy).†Insight on the News 22 Mar. 1999. Pearce, John A. II, Samuel A. DiLullo, â€Å"When a strategic plan includes bankruptcy.†Business Horizons Sept.-Oct. 1998. Pomykala, Joseph S., â€Å"BANKRUPTCY LAWS: The Need for Reform.†USA Today Nov. 1999 Pomykala, Joseph. BANKRUPTCY REFORM: Principals and Guidelines (Revised Edition) Regulation Vol. 20, No. 4, 1997. Warner, David, †Bills seek to slow bankruptcy filings. (Congress introduces legislation to make bankruptcy laws more strict).†Nation's Business Mar. 1999
Thursday, October 24, 2019
A case study
Dementia according to Stephen Tilley is a â€Å"progressive global impairment of cognitive function.†It means that dementia is a disorder in the mental domain and dementing illness has to do with abnormalities of ones behavior which manifested by an act of madness, craziness, or derangement.But dementia according to Mary Kaplan does not only refer to one particular disease alone. It includes variety of disorders â€Å"that can be triggered by several un related situations.†(p5) Kaplan noted that some of this â€Å"disorder maybe reversible if diagnosed early and treated.†(p5) Thus management and treatment of person suffering from dementing illness is very important for the patient’s possibility of recovery.Brian Draper clarified that the term dementia is a term â€Å"used medically to describe a syndrome that is caused by many different diseases.†(p1) It means that dementia has many other type including Alzheimer’s disease and other types of the disease though by definition the term was commonly identified as decline in memory and thinking due to brain disease.Kaplan noted that recent public and professional awareness that â€Å"dementia is the result of a disease and not a normal part of aging has led to an increase in research in to the causes of dementing illnesses, as well as development of specific diagnostic criteria and tests.†(p6)Dementia patients figured out by Nawab Qizilbash as commonly less educated adult. She says â€Å"dementia patients maybe older, less educated, and have more co- morbid medical condition and take more concomitant medication than the typical patient evaluated in clinical trial for dementia.†(p365)Qizilbash cited some studies indicating that most of the patients suffering dementia illness were in their seventies, eighties and nineties but did not give clear idea whether the disease is age related. Here is Qizilbash statement regarding these studies:â€Å"One is the cas e of the very elderly who will increasingly represent a larger portion of those with dementia, and for whom we really don’t know if there are important age related-differences in either the biology of their dementias or their response to therapies.Although those who are older than eighty years represent at least half of those with dementias in most population, the averaged patient in clinical dementia trials is in their seventies with few nonagenarians exposed to treatment.†(p366)
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Varying Definitions of Online Communication
Running head: VARYING DEFINITIONS OF ONLINE COMMUNICATION 1 The title should summarize the paper’s main idea and identify the variables under discussion and the relationship between them. The title should be centered on the page, typed in 12point Times New Roman Font. It should not be bolded, underlined, or italicized. Varying Definitions of Online Communication and Their Effects on Relationship Research Elizabeth L. Angeli The author’s name and institution should be doublespaced and centered. The running head is a shortened version of the paper’s full title, and it is used to help readers identify the titles for published articles (even if your paper is not intended for publication, your paper should still have a running head). The running head cannot exceed 50 characters, including spaces and punctuation. The running head’s title should be in capital letters. The running head should be flush left, and page numbers should be flush right. On the title page, the running head should include the words â€Å"Running head. †For pages following the title page, repeat the running head in all caps without â€Å"Running head. Purdue University Blue boxes contain directions for writing and citing in APA style. Green text boxes contain explanations of APA style guidelines. VARYING DEFINITIONS OF ONLINE COMMUNICATION Abstract The abstract is a brief summary of the paper, allowing readers to quickly review the main points and purpose of the paper. The abstract sh ould be between 150-250 words. Abbreviations and acronyms used in the paper should be defined in the abstract. 2 The word â€Å"Abstract†should be centered and typed in 12 point Times New Roman. Do not indent the first line of the abstract paragraph. All other paragraphs in the paper should be indented. This paper explores four published articles that report on results from research conducted on online (Internet) and offline (non-Internet) relationships and their relationship to computer-mediated communication (CMC). The articles, however, vary in their definitions and uses of CMC. Butler and Kraut (2002) suggest that face-to-face (FtF) interactions are more effective than CMC, defined and used as â€Å"email,†in creating feelings of closeness or intimacy. Other articles define CMC differently and, therefore, offer different results. This paper examines Cummings et al. s research in relation to three other research articles to suggest that all forms of CMC should be studied in order to fully understand how CMC influences online and offline relationships. Keywords: computer-mediated communication, face-to-face communication VARYING DEFINITIONS OF ONLINE COMMUNICATION Online Communication Definitions Effect on Relationship Research 3 The title of the paper is centered and not bolded. Numerous studies have been conducted on various facets of Internet relationships, The introduction presents the problem that the paper addresses. See the OWL resources on introductions: http://owl. en glish. purdue. du/owl/resou rce/724/01/ focusing on the levels of intimacy, closeness, different communication modalities, and the frequency of use of CMC. However, contradictory results are suggested within this research mostly because only certain aspects of CMC are investigated, for example, email only. Cummings, Butler, and Kraut (2002) suggest that FtF interactions are more effective than CMC (read: email) in creating feelings of closeness or intimacy, while other studies suggest the opposite. In order to understand how both online (Internet) and offline (non-Internet) relationships are affected by CMC, all forms of CMC should be studied. This paper examines Cummings et al. ’s research against other CMC research to propose that additional research be conducted to better understand how online communication effects relationships. If an article has three to five authors, write out all of the authors’ names the first time they appear. Then use the first author’s last name followed by â€Å"et al. †In-text citations include the author’s/ authors’ name/s and the publication year. The publication year and the not page number is used, because APA users are concerned with the date of the article (the more current the better). In Cummings et al. ’s (2002) summary article reviewing three empirical studies on online social relationships, it was found that CMC, especially email, was less effective than FtF contact in creating and maintaining close social relationships. Two of the three reviewed studies focusing on communication in non-Internet and Internet relationships mediated by FtF, phone, or email modalities found that the frequency of each modality’s use was significantly linked to the strength of the particular relationship (Cummings et al. , 2002). The strength of the relationship was predicted best by FtF and phone communication, as participants rated email as an inferior means of maintaining personal relationships as compared to FtF and phone contacts (Cummings et al. , 2002). VARYING DEFINITIONS OF ONLINE COMMUNICATION Cummings et al. (2002) reviewed an additional study conducted in 1999 by the 4 HomeNet project. In this project, Kraut, Mukhopadhyay, Szczypula, Kiesler, and Scherlis (1999) compared the value of using CMC and non-CMC to maintain relationships with partners. They found that participants corresponded less frequently with their Internet partner (5. 2 times per month) than with their non-Internet partner (7. 2 times per month) (as cited in Cummings et al. , 2002). This difference does not seem significant, as it is only two times less per month. However, in additional self-report surveys, participants responded feeling more distant, or less intimate, towards their Internet partner than their non-Internet partner. This finding may be attributed to participants’ beliefs that email is an inferior mode of personal relationship communication. Intimacy is necessary in the creation and maintenance of relationships, as it is defined as the sharing of a person’s innermost being with another person, i. e. , selfdisclosure (Hu, Wood, Smith, & Westbrook, 2004). Relationships are facilitated by the reciprocal self-disclosing between partners, regardless of non-CMC or CMC. Cummings et al. ’s (2002) reviewed results contradict other studies that research the connection between intimacy and relationships through CMC. Hu et al. (2004) studied the relationship between the frequency of Instant Messenger (IM) use and the degree of perceived intimacy among friends. The use of IM instead of email as a CMC modality was studied because IM supports a non-professional environment favoring intimate exchanges (Hu et al. , 2004). Their results suggest that a positive relationship exists between the frequency of IM use and intimacy, demonstrating Use two spaces after a period throughout your paper. VARYING DEFINITIONS OF ONLINE COMMUNICATION that participants feel closer to their Internet partner as time progresses through this CMC modality. Similarly, Underwood and Findlay (2004) studied the effect of Internet relationships on primary, specifically non-Internet relationships and the perceived intimacy of both. In this study, self-disclosure, or intimacy, was measured in terms of shared secrets through the discussion of personal problems. Participants reported a significantly higher level of self-disclosure in their Internet relationship as compared to their primary relationship. In contrast, the participants’ primary relationships were reported as highly self-disclosed in the past, but the current level of disclosure was perceived to be lower (Underwood & Findlay, 2004). This result suggests participants turned to the Internet in order to fulfill the need for intimacy in their lives. In further support of this finding, Tidwell and Walther (2002) hypothesized CMC participants employ deeper self-disclosures than FtF participants in order to overcome the limitations of CMC, e. g. , the reliance on nonverbal cues. It was found that CMC partners engaged in more frequent intimate questions and disclosures than FtF partners in order to overcome the barriers of CMC. In their study, Tidwell and Walther (2002) measured the perception of a relationship’s intimacy by the partner of each participant in both the CMC and FtF conditions. The researchers found that the participants’ partners stated their CMC partner was more effective in employing more intimate exchanges than their FtF partner, and both participants and their partners rated their CMC relationship as more intimate than their FtF relationship. VARYING DEFINITIONS OF ONLINE COMMUNICATION A Level 1 heading should be flush left and bolded. If you use more than two levels of headings, consult section 3. 02 of the APA manual (6th ed. ) or the OWL resource on APA headings: http://owl. english. pur due. edu/ow l/resource/ 560/16/ 6 Discussion In 2002, Cummings et al. tated that the evidence from their research conflicted with other data examining the effectiveness of online social relationships. This statement is supported by the aforementioned discussion of other research. There may be a few possible theoretical explanations for these discrepancies. First, one reviewed study by Cummings et al. (2002) examined only email correspondence for their CMC mod ality. Therefore, the study is limited to only one mode of communication among other alternatives, e. g. , IM as studied by Hu et al. (2004). Because of its many personalized features, IM provides more personal CMC. For example, it is in real time without delay, voice-chat and video features are available for many IM programs, and text boxes can be personalized with the user’s picture, favorite colors and text, and a wide variety of Because all research has its limitations, it is important to discuss the limitations of articles under examination. emoticons, e. g. , :). These options allow for both an increase in self-expression and the ability to overcompensate for the barriers of CMC through customizable features, as stated in Tidwell and Walther (2002). Self-disclosure and intimacy may result from IM’s individualized features, which are not as personalized in email correspondence. In addition to the limitations of email, Cummings et al. (2002) reviewed studies that focused on international bank employees and college students. It is possible the participants’ CMC through email was used primarily for business, professional, and school matters and not for relationship creation or maintenance. In this case, personal self-disclosure and intimacy levels are expected to be lower for non-relationship interactions, as this communication is primarily between boss and employee or student VARYING DEFINITIONS OF ONLINE COMMUNICATION and professor. Intimacy is not required, or even desired, for these professional relationships. Instead of professional correspondence, however, Cummings et al. ’s (2002) review of the HomeNet project focused on already established relationships and CMC’s 7 effect on relationship maintenance. The HomeNet researchers’ sole dependence on email communication as CMC may have contributed to the lower levels of intimacy and closeness among Internet relationships as compared to non-Internet relationships (as cited in Cummings et al. , 2002). The barriers of non-personal communication in email could be a factor in this project, and this could lead to less intimacy among these Internet partners. If alternate modalities of CMC were studied in both already established and professional relationships, perhaps these results would have resembled those of the previously mentioned research. In order to gain a complete understanding of CMC’s true effect on both online and offline relationships, it is necessary to conduct a study that examines all aspects of CMC. This includes, but is not limited to, email, IM, voice-chat, video-chat, online ournals and diaries, online social groups with message boards, and chat rooms. The effects on relationships of each modality may be different, and this is demonstrated by the discrepancies in intimacy between email and IM correspondence. As each mode of communication becomes more prevalent in individual’s lives, it is important to examine the impact of all modes of CMC on online an d offline relationship formation, maintenance, and even termination. The conclusion restates the problem the paper addresses and can offer areas for further research. See the OWL resource on conclusions: http://owl. english. pur due. edu/ow l/resource/ 724/04/ VARYING DEFINITIONS OF ONLINE COMMUNICATION References Cummings, J. N. , Butler, B. , & Kraut, R. (2002). The quality of online social relationships. Communications of the ACM, 45(7), 103-108. Hu, Y. , Wood, J. F. , Smith, V. , & Westbrook, N. (2004). Friendships through IM: Examining the relationship between instant messaging and intimacy. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 10(1), 38-48. Tidwell, L. C. , & Walther, J. B. (2002). Computer-mediated communication effects on disclosure, impressions, and interpersonal evaluations: Getting to know one another a bit at a time. Human Communication Research, 28(3), 317-348. 8 Underwood, H. , & Findlay, B. (2004). Internet relationships and their impact on primary relationships. Behaviour Change, 21(2), 127-140. Start the reference list on a new page, center the title â€Å"References,†and alphabetize the entries. Do not underline or italicize the title. Double-space all entries. Every article mentioned in the paper should have an entry.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Particular historical event Essay Example
Particular historical event Essay Example Particular historical event Essay Particular historical event Essay It is the girls who originally went into the forest that really reflect the hysteria in the town. As more people are accused, their displays become more and more elaborate, and with Abigail at their head, they did not know when to stop. Miller shows that these bored girls caused a lot of damage to the community and made history from what began as a fun night in the forest. Did the girls do this for attention? Is one question that arises from the play. At this time in history, women had a limited role in society. Before they were married, they worked as servants and afterward; all they had to look forward to as becoming was Goody when they did eventually marry. Their lives were mundane and so they took the game too far, not realising how serious the consequences would be. The structure of The Crucible is consistent through each of the four acts. They all begin fairly quietly and lead up to the crescendo at the end of the act. And in turn, each of the acts led up to the finale in the fourth act. Building up on a larger scale, although in a similar format to the separate acts. Miller takes a very well known historical event and uses it to create literature, he does this by using fact as far as possible, but adding his own spin to it. There were probably far more real people than characters, but again (as in Mr Wroes Virgins) to cast them all would have been too weighty. So Miller uses a select few characters to put across the social significance of this event. The type of language used by each author is relevant to the time in which they have set their text. The characters in The Crucible have their own dialect and accent, and Miller tries to put this across by dropping the g from words ending ing. Also in The Crucible, they split the sentence and place the subject either in the middle or the end of the sentence, and the subject and verb are used in the wrong order. For example, Look you or Sit you down. They confuse the past tense and use the word were instead of was, Proctor was angry but describes it was, it were a temper, one would usually say, I was angry, or I had a temper The characters too use the word be in place of is. However the language that Rogers uses in Mr Wroes Virgins is fairly biblical. It is more developed in sentence structure than that used in The Crucible, and this is mainly due to two reasons the dominant theme in Mr Wroes Virgins is religion and the language reflects this. The community was very church based and would have spoken in this manner as people tended to learn to read through the bible. Joanna is the most religious of the girls in Mr Wroes Virgins and this is particularly evident in her speech; she considers herself a handmaiden and all of the girls were to call each other sister. This is also shown in Martha, she is taught to read by Joanna and she learns this from the bible. As she progresses towards becoming more human she realises that she feels, solid joys, this is a phrase from a hymn, which she understands because of the way she feels, and also when she acknowledges her changing from a stone and now has life. Mr Wroe is evidently, very biblical, requesting the girls for comfort and succour, meaning: assistance and support in hard times. Most of the language is fairly similar to modern speech, with similar sentence structure but more old fashioned usage. Both writers use well-known historical events to create literature; and because they did not know all of the facts that went towards creating the particular historical event and so by adding their own touch of creativity they bring the events alive for the reader. Rogers knew most about Mr Wroe in terms of characterisation and historical background, however she does not focus on him. For the reader the novel revolves around the girls, but the girls lives revolve around Mr Wroe. Rogers used her knowledge of Mr Wroes life, for example his predictions over cholera and the use of trains to build up the story, but only gives Wroes background in the Historical note. Miller also used knowledge of the witch trials to create his play with as much accuracy to many events as possible. The story of Abigail and John Proctor is true and although many people are not mentioned, due to the sheer number of them, The fate of each character is exactly that of the historical model, and there is no one in the drama who did not play a similar and in some cases exactly the same role in history.
Monday, October 21, 2019
St. Albert the Great Quotes
St. Albert the Great Quotes Known as Doctor Universalis (Universal Doctor) for the extraordinary depth of his knowledge and learning, Albertus Magnus wrote extensively on numerous subjects. Here are some words of ​wisdom from a variety of his writings, as well as quotations that have been attributed to him. St. Albert the Great Quotes The aim of natural science is not simply to accept the statements of others, but to investigate the causes that are at work in nature. De Mineralibus (On Minerals) The beaver is an animal which has feet like those of a goose for swimming and front teeth like a dog, since it frequently walks on land. It is called the castor from castration, but not because it castrates itself as Isidore says, but because it is especially sought for castration purposes. As has been ascertained frequently in our regions, it is false that when it is bothered by a hunter, it castrates itself with its teeth and hurls its musk away and that if one has been castrated on another occasion by a hunter, it raises itself up and shows that it lacks its musk. De Animalibus (On Animals). The Isidore Albertus refers to is Isidore of Seville, who wrote an encyclopedia that included descriptions of many animals, both real and fabulous. Do there exist many worlds, or is there but a single world? This is one of the most noble and exalted questions in the study of Nature. Attributed He took over anger to intimidate subordinates, and in time anger took over him. Attributed I shall not conceal a science that was before me revealed by the grace of God; I shall not keep it to myself, for being afraid of attracting its curse. What worth is a concealed science; what worth is a hidden treasure? The science I have learned without fiction I transmit with no regret. Envy upsets everything; an envious man cannot be fair before God. Every science and knowledge proceeds from God. Saying it proceeds from the Holy Ghost is a simple way of expressing oneself. No one can thus say Our Lord Jesus Christ without implying Son of God our Father, by work and grace of the Holy Ghost. In the same manner, this science cannot be separated from the One who has communicated it unto me. The Compound of Compounds. The science Albertus is talking about is alchemy. In studying nature we have not to inquire how God the Creator may, as He freely wills, use His creatures to work miracles and thereby show forth His power; we have rather to inquire what Nature with its immanent causes can naturally bring to pass. De Vegetabilibus (On Vegetation) Nature must be the foundation and model of science; thus Art works according to Nature in everything it can. Therefore, it is necessary that the Artist follows Nature and operates according to her. The Compound of Compounds Now it must be asked if we can comprehend why comets signify the death of magnates and coming wars, for writers of philosophy say so. The reason is not apparent, since vapor no more rises in a land where a pauper lives than where a rich man resides, whether he be king or someone else. Furthermore, it is evident that a comet has a natural cause not dependent on anything else; so it seems that it has no relation to someones death or to war. For if it be said that it does relate to war or someones death, either it does so as a cause or effect or sign. De Cometis (On Comets) The second great wisdom ... is the science of the judgments of the stars, which provides a link between natural philosophy and metaphysics ... No human science attains this ordering of the universe as perfectly as the judgment of the stars does. Speculum Astronomiae (The Mirror of Astronomy) This dumb ox will fill the world with his bellowing. Attributed. The quote was supposedly in response to students calling Thomas Aquinas a dumb ox because he tended to stay so quiet. To say that there is a soul in stones simply in order to account for their production is unsatisfactory: for their production is not like the reproduction of living plants, and of animals which have senses. For all these we see reproducing their own species from their own seeds; and a stone does not do this at all. We never see stones reproduced from stones ... because a stone seems to have no reproductive power at all. De Mineralibus Whoever believes that Aristotle was a god, must also believe that he never erred. But if one believes that Aristotle was a man, then doubtless he was liable to error just as we are. Physica
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Black Men and Public Space
Darkness is known for its negative undertone. In earlier times, we saw darkness as an interpretation of evil; likewise, light represented God and all good. From literature we, as a society, have built what later became social rules, giving rise to things such as prejudice. In Brent Staples essay â€Å"Black Men and Public Space†this is clearly shown by the authors own experiences of antipathy and hostility towards him caused by his own self. In â€Å"Black Men and Public Space†, Brent Staples begins by coming to the realization of the way he’d be viewed for the rest of his life. He describes feelings of uneasiness towards his newfound self-image. It all came to him one evening in an ally where his tall frame walked behind a young woman. She proceeded to perceive him as a threat to her safety even her life, and race off into the night. Later on his –problem- took a deeper hit on him when even as a professional this image continued to follow him. It evolved into harm for himself when he is mistaken for a thief several times. Toward the end the author learns how to manage this issue by cleaning his image, and controlling his rage toward the ones who considered a criminal. Consistent rejection can cause a man –or woman to see the world as of one color or the other, to the extremes. Thus creating a situation of self-blame where one might think and accept that every bad incident its their own fault. He is blaming himself for actions that occur without actual intent of the so-called attacker. In â€Å"Black Men and Public Space,†Staples writes, â€Å"My first victim was a woman†(566). This phrase creates a dark tone that only gets clearer as the essay moves on. The image of – the victim- is passed onto the author itself. And the fact that is proclaiming himself as an aggressor indicates that he has acknowledged this as a reality. In today’s society, people have the tendency to change how they –act and react- toward certain groups of people, places of interaction, friends and strangers. It can range from lowering safety standards when ones home, to the point of running from someone that, by mistake, its portrayed and related to something harmful. This can create a unique experience, most of the time being of uneasiness and stress. Staples write, â€Å"I First began to know the unwieldy inheritance I’d come into- the ability to alter public space in an ugly way†(566). It is clearly stated in the previews quote that the author is now experimenting a new way of social awareness that it’s brought upon him by just being that way he is. It is surprising how fast people tend to judge yet it also can be way of protection. Even though the author might not be the real aggressor that does not takes the fact that another man like him could be the authentic one. Today’s civilization has grown with fear. Fear of loosing what’s theirs, fear of the police, fear of politics, fear of what’s unknown and different. Sometimes this can manifest in avoidance of the subject but in some occasions it can be a little more –active-. Staples writes, â€Å"And I soon gathered that being perceived as dangerous it’s a hazard in itself†(567). As a result of his dangerous association the author realizes that it’s unsafe to be outside too. As some women tend to opt just to sprint away from you, some men might choose to fight the problem. This brings concerns to the author who apart form being socially un-welcome is now threatened by his own naturally built image. Fear is accompanied by a need for survival. Some animals grow being dominant, creating fear to control. Other just decide to hide hoping not to be involved into precarious situations. In â€Å"Black Men and Public Space†, Staples describes, â€Å"I chose, perhaps unconsciously, to remain a shadow – timid, but a survivor†(568). Staples explain that he took the –smaller animal- path and tries to remain un-recognizable in order for him to have a safer journey around avoiding confrontation. Is easier to hide that to fight but in the long run that –easiness- brings other problems, where self-blame can evolve to depression and self-depreciation. It comes a time in every man’s life when he has to choose between himself and society. When he has to decide whether to stand on his own or simply hide his true self in order to escape confrontation, arguments and possible rejection. Most people have a tendency to – go with the flow- be just like everyone else. Staple writes, â€Å"I now take precautions to make myself less threatening†(568). This quote describes the idea previously expressed. He chooses to alter his image to make his journey safer. In order to add this newer safer self, he must subtract what he was before, losing his identity. In Staples essay â€Å"Black Men and Public Space†, big issues are explored and described in a way that we can relate to without getting lost in the context. On a narrow sense the essay can be viewed as how the author goes through the realization of how he is pictured, moving to the changes he has to make to be -socially- less threatening. Doing this one can go a process of depression and losing identity. This is just the example of only one person but this case is not reserved to him only, it happens to almost everyone and in many different levels. We are 6,602,224,175 humans suffering form all kind of unreal and unfair treatment and as a result, hate and resentment are created, and in fact they are he main cause of racism and un fair treatment towards others thus creating a vicious cycle from which we need to get out in order for humans to walk though these crowded streets in harmony. Work Cited Brent Staples. â€Å"Black Men and Public Space†. Four in One: Rhetoric, Reader, Research Guide, and Handbook. Eds. Eduard A. Dornan and Robert Dees. 5th Edition. Boston: Longman, 2011. 167-169. Print Black Men and Public Space Darkness is known for its negative undertone. In earlier times, we saw darkness as an interpretation of evil; likewise, light represented God and all good. From literature we, as a society, have built what later became social rules, giving rise to things such as prejudice. In Brent Staples essay â€Å"Black Men and Public Space†this is clearly shown by the authors own experiences of antipathy and hostility towards him caused by his own self. In â€Å"Black Men and Public Space†, Brent Staples begins by coming to the realization of the way he’d be viewed for the rest of his life. He describes feelings of uneasiness towards his newfound self-image. It all came to him one evening in an ally where his tall frame walked behind a young woman. She proceeded to perceive him as a threat to her safety even her life, and race off into the night. Later on his –problem- took a deeper hit on him when even as a professional this image continued to follow him. It evolved into harm for himself when he is mistaken for a thief several times. Toward the end the author learns how to manage this issue by cleaning his image, and controlling his rage toward the ones who considered a criminal. Consistent rejection can cause a man –or woman to see the world as of one color or the other, to the extremes. Thus creating a situation of self-blame where one might think and accept that every bad incident its their own fault. He is blaming himself for actions that occur without actual intent of the so-called attacker. In â€Å"Black Men and Public Space,†Staples writes, â€Å"My first victim was a woman†(566). This phrase creates a dark tone that only gets clearer as the essay moves on. The image of – the victim- is passed onto the author itself. And the fact that is proclaiming himself as an aggressor indicates that he has acknowledged this as a reality. In today’s society, people have the tendency to change how they –act and react- toward certain groups of people, places of interaction, friends and strangers. It can range from lowering safety standards when ones home, to the point of running from someone that, by mistake, its portrayed and related to something harmful. This can create a unique experience, most of the time being of uneasiness and stress. Staples write, â€Å"I First began to know the unwieldy inheritance I’d come into- the ability to alter public space in an ugly way†(566). It is clearly stated in the previews quote that the author is now experimenting a new way of social awareness that it’s brought upon him by just being that way he is. It is surprising how fast people tend to judge yet it also can be way of protection. Even though the author might not be the real aggressor that does not takes the fact that another man like him could be the authentic one. Today’s civilization has grown with fear. Fear of loosing what’s theirs, fear of the police, fear of politics, fear of what’s unknown and different. Sometimes this can manifest in avoidance of the subject but in some occasions it can be a little more –active-. Staples writes, â€Å"And I soon gathered that being perceived as dangerous it’s a hazard in itself†(567). As a result of his dangerous association the author realizes that it’s unsafe to be outside too. As some women tend to opt just to sprint away from you, some men might choose to fight the problem. This brings concerns to the author who apart form being socially un-welcome is now threatened by his own naturally built image. Fear is accompanied by a need for survival. Some animals grow being dominant, creating fear to control. Other just decide to hide hoping not to be involved into precarious situations. In â€Å"Black Men and Public Space†, Staples describes, â€Å"I chose, perhaps unconsciously, to remain a shadow – timid, but a survivor†(568). Staples explain that he took the –smaller animal- path and tries to remain un-recognizable in order for him to have a safer journey around avoiding confrontation. Is easier to hide that to fight but in the long run that –easiness- brings other problems, where self-blame can evolve to depression and self-depreciation. It comes a time in every man’s life when he has to choose between himself and society. When he has to decide whether to stand on his own or simply hide his true self in order to escape confrontation, arguments and possible rejection. Most people have a tendency to – go with the flow- be just like everyone else. Staple writes, â€Å"I now take precautions to make myself less threatening†(568). This quote describes the idea previously expressed. He chooses to alter his image to make his journey safer. In order to add this newer safer self, he must subtract what he was before, losing his identity. In Staples essay â€Å"Black Men and Public Space†, big issues are explored and described in a way that we can relate to without getting lost in the context. On a narrow sense the essay can be viewed as how the author goes through the realization of how he is pictured, moving to the changes he has to make to be -socially- less threatening. Doing this one can go a process of depression and losing identity. This is just the example of only one person but this case is not reserved to him only, it happens to almost everyone and in many different levels. We are 6,602,224,175 humans suffering form all kind of unreal and unfair treatment and as a result, hate and resentment are created, and in fact they are he main cause of racism and un fair treatment towards others thus creating a vicious cycle from which we need to get out in order for humans to walk though these crowded streets in harmony. Work Cited Brent Staples. â€Å"Black Men and Public Space†. Four in One: Rhetoric, Reader, Research Guide, and Handbook. Eds. Eduard A. Dornan and Robert Dees. 5th Edition. Boston: Longman, 2011. 167-169. Print Black Men And Public Space Black Men and Public Space Black Men and Public Space Black Men and Public Space
Friday, October 18, 2019
Michael Jackson Pop Icon his reign and fall Research Paper
Michael Jackson Pop Icon his reign and fall - Research Paper Example However, it is true to say that great men and women also have their twists and turns and therefore, Jackson is no exception. This paper will discuss the life of Michael Jackson, evaluating his ups and downs in his life as a pop star. The Rise and fall of Michael Jackson Michael Jackson is a man, who spent the largest part of his life in the public domain, both due to his successes and numerous controversies. The later to be pop icon was born in the year 1958, as the seventh born child in a family of 9 children. It may be important to note that, his was a family that could have been categorized as a working class, which meant that they were not too far from being considered poor. Apparently, it may never have occurred to him or his close associates that he would later turn out to be one of the most talented and influential musicians around the world (Heatley, 2009). Michael’s music career begun when he was at a tender age of approximately 5 years, when he is considered to have made his debut performance. During this time, he was the lead singer of a group known as the Jackson 5, which comprised of artistes such as Jackie, Jermaine, Tito as well as Marlon, who were his brothers (Cadman, 2002). This group used to perform in clubs, where they had the privilege of sharing a platform with other renowned musicians, thereby exposing Michael to the much needed experience. The group performed on this platform for approximately 4 years after which they were discovered by two of Motown records’ signatories, i.e. Boby Tylor and the Vancouvers, who introduced the Jackson 5 to the producer; Beny Gordy, for auditions (Cadman, 2002). Consequently, they signed up with the production house i.e. Motown and this necessitated the group to relocate from their hometown to California. Working with Motown can be considered as the foundation of Michael Jackson’s success in the music industry. This is due to the fact that it enabled him as well as his group to become more professional thereby achieving a national outlook unlike when they were performing in clubs. For example, they managed to produce 14 albums as a group whereas Michael managed to record 4 on his own (Cadman, 2002). It is important to note that their first singles received a lot of praise and airplay across the US and in fact, they were ranked among the most favorite songs in the industry at that time. Some of these songs included and not limited to; I want you back, I will be there among others. Ambition is a virtue present in every man and woman and the Jacksons were no exception. It is therefore not a wonder to find that they decided to leave Motown after a short stay, to go and exercise their freedom and probably search for greener pastures. Michael’s journey to glory, however, begun in the year 1977, when came to meet with Queens Jones, who would later become his producer with the Epic records. Working with Jones, he was able to release an album titled Off The Wall in 1979, and which became an instant success not only in the US but also internationally (Taraborrelli, 2009). It is estimated that this album managed to make sales of approximately 20 million copies and above, asserting the fact that the musician was destined for greater things in life. Apparently, his fans did not have to wait for long as in 1982 he went ahead to release one of the greatest albums of all times i.e. the Thriller. This
Ethical Decision Making in Business Research Paper
Ethical Decision Making in Business - Research Paper Example It is not easy to create a business atmosphere that is ethically accepted. Companies often incur incredible amount of time and resources training the executive and employees in an effort to creating business ethics. Moreover, decisions made by the company may rarely be taken positively by the employees or even the executive in the implementation process. Fighting this negativity reaction may be a stumbling block to effective implementation of business ethics. Body Companies may implement other methods of educating the employees on matters concerning decision making in the business ethical environment. This method of training includes workshops and professional courses meant at educating workers on ethical decision making process. In addition, inviting experts to educate employees enables business organizations to review their goals and objectives in regard to their current operations. In so doing, the company progressively builds a strong business code of conduct in running of a busi ness. Though the resources of the business environment may be very costly, it always helps the company to improve its status. In essence, Smart ethical decisions are very crucial to the continuity of the business as well as mastering marketing skills including finance and accounting. Ethical conduct needs an understanding and identification of issues associated with risks incurrence and uncertainties together with making decisions and choices pertaining to the business environment. It is very important to make economic decisions that can lead to improvement in the company’s status .The most important characteristic of the business is contentious and it has no special way of approaching and solving issues.... Companies may implement other methods of educating the employees on matters concerning decision-making in the business ethical environment. This method of training includes workshops and professional courses meant at educating workers on the ethical decision-making process. In addition, inviting experts to educate employees enables business organizations to review their goals and objectives in regard to their current operations. In so doing, the company progressively builds a strong business code of conduct in running of a business. Though the resources of the business environment may be very costly, it always helps the company to improve its status. In essence, Smart ethical decisions are very crucial to the continuity of the business as well as mastering marketing skills including finance and accounting. Ethical conduct needs an understanding and identification of issues associated with risks incurrence and uncertainties together with making decisions and choices pertaining to the business environment. It is very important to make economic decisions that can lead to improvement in the company’s status.The most important characteristic of the business is contentious and it has no special way of approaching and solving issues. It is found through research that an ethical person is of good use than an unethical rich person. Organizations that fail to achieve good ethical standards among its workforce and in their decision-making practice will most likely fail to achieve its objectives in the long run.
Something to Smile About Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Something to Smile About - Essay Example Further, the changes in temperature of the foods and water we usually intake affect the colors of our teeth. Aging and other internal activities such too much fluoride may also stain the teeth ("Something to Smile About". Metro. July 2005. Volume 15 (6). pp 86). However, this teeth discoloration issue can easily be solved through various methods. At home bleaching such as the use of specially prepared toothpastes can be an alternative. Laser tooth whitening is another option for those who would want a shorter process, because this would only entail a one to two-hour session. The topic is again very simple yet a very helpful tip for its readers. I know for a fact that teeth discoloration has been a pertinent problem of most people now a days, especially because beauty and physical appearance now matters a lot. I also liked the simplicity of its presentation. Just the smile of a person having perfect teeth is enough to connote what is inside the story. It does not need further graphics nor pictures because those can only look the page a bit messy. What seemed a bit awkward to me was the mentioning of Colgate's Simply White product. It looked like it was just advertising the product and not giving tips to the readers. May be this could be minimized if Colgate's product was shown in a not too "hard sell" way. A small picture of its product on just one small corner of the page is enough to denote that this product is made to help people to maintain perfectly white teeth. Conclusion As for its "ethos", the magazine where it was published or advertised maintains a good credibility standards. Metro Magazine has been in the publishing industry for several years already, and so far, everything that is published or written in the every issue of this magazine are found to be of good value. Every reader who will be reading this material will surely not have any second thoughts on believing what has been claimed in the advertisement. With regards to the "pathos" aspect, the magazine advertisement is very objective. It has directly 'attack' the emotions of the readers, particularly the feeling of 'vanity'. I personally believe that each and every person desires to look good so as to feel good. The advertisement has made use of this idea. More so, it has created a tremendous impact to all the reader's minds that white teeth can indeed make one look beautiful and of course neat. Needless to say, this ad has attacked the mind and the hearts of all readers. It has enlightened the minds of the people on how one can maintain a pearly white teeth, while providing the hearts an avenue to aspire for additional beautiful attribute. With regards to the third aspect which is the "logos", this ad has provided logical proofs of what to do best with discolored teeth. It has given several alternatives or methods on cleaning one's teeth so as to remove stains and other matters that make it looks dirty. These things alone make this ad credible. on the first
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Port Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Port Report - Essay Example This resulted in the reduction of retail gas price from USD 3.31 to USD 2.27 during the year 2014. While this has the positive effect on the consumer purchase pattern, the impact of such fall on the investment pattern, particularly the GCC stocks needs detailed investigation. As it is just the first quarter of 2015, the analysis of current oil prices fall cannot be done correctly since its effect on stock investment needs longer period of observation. Hence, this paper has taken an in-depth look at the relationship between oil pricing and stock investment, as well as general economic conditions, within GCC and across the world, during the recent past. Accordingly, 2008 financial crisis, coupled with cyclic fall in oil prices finds greater attention in the following paragraphs. As supply and demand equation determines the price of any commodity, political forces prevailing in the oil producing countries determine the supply position for oil, largely. Technological innovation also plays a major role here. Many political decisions by countries across the globe influence the oil pricing. For example, the cause of recent Russian currency debacle has relation to the falling oil prices. Although under normal conditions, falling prices would result in reducing the production, OPEC countries are not doing it, as they want to retain their control over oil production. This is also seen as an attempt to make oil production unsustainable by American producers, who are utilizing advanced technology to increase shale oil production in a major way.(Stefanova, 2014) Consumers in Western countries take falling oil prices as an instrument to result in lesser tax burden. This way the falling oil prices prove to be positive for the global economy, as these countries can look for heavy reduction in lower inflation rates. While many advanced economies may go for deflation measures, the falling oil crisis has hit the currencies of Norway and Canada in a major way.(Buttonwood,
HR and Leadership (new) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
HR and Leadership (new) - Essay Example ather than decision making. For HR to be leading the department should employ effective strategy and solution to resourcing and ensuring there is talent planning and development, service delivery is at its best with well-coordinated systems of communication which involves employee engagement and relations. Thus leading HR should be determined in performance and must reward employees on good work done. Above all the human resource management should be of credible personality, driven to deliver, decisive thinkers, role model and should have courage to challenge actions in the organization. Organization is important to ensure delivery of services and attainment of objectives if structural changes are effectively managed (Woodrow, 2012). Organizational structure of any firms matters a lot as if it’s well organized it will be easy to effect changes because the values , believes and attitudes set by an organization so there is well spelt out procedure on how everything is coordinate d in the organization including , communication systems and responds to the environment. Strategic human resource management relies mostly on resource based view of the firm which suggests human resource practices leads to high performance and sustained in competitive environment. Top management should ensure high technology is employed in firms to enable HR practices build up mentoring, give incentives to performing workers and also enable performance appraisal which encourages development of working relationship (Collins&Clark, 2003). HRM and worker performance Human resource development can be achieved be ensuring you hire only qualified individuals with potential of learning and adapting to changes and training them to increase their performance and increasing knowledge assets in the organization. Human resource management creates value and increases firm’s performance and also increases interactions between employees and customers which in turn shapes customers perspecti ve of the quality of service they obtain from the firm. If the employee put time and effort in satisfying customers’ needs this increases customers buying behavior and trust in the firms products hence the firm is able to maintain existing customers and all gain new ones as customer experience ultimately attracts new clients. Commitment of human resource department, impact the willingness of employee to satisfy customer’s needs and the general performance of the firm (McClean, 2009). HR departments have being viewed as the greatest assets in any organization and are actively involved in selection , training and ensuring changes are implemented to increase the performance of the firm is competitive in the current environment which translates to good results both financially and product wise . HR department must comply with the organizations objectives in order to ensure that any changes they impose are compatible with the client’s needs. Before any change is prop osed should be wide consultation among top management to ensure it’
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Something to Smile About Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Something to Smile About - Essay Example Further, the changes in temperature of the foods and water we usually intake affect the colors of our teeth. Aging and other internal activities such too much fluoride may also stain the teeth ("Something to Smile About". Metro. July 2005. Volume 15 (6). pp 86). However, this teeth discoloration issue can easily be solved through various methods. At home bleaching such as the use of specially prepared toothpastes can be an alternative. Laser tooth whitening is another option for those who would want a shorter process, because this would only entail a one to two-hour session. The topic is again very simple yet a very helpful tip for its readers. I know for a fact that teeth discoloration has been a pertinent problem of most people now a days, especially because beauty and physical appearance now matters a lot. I also liked the simplicity of its presentation. Just the smile of a person having perfect teeth is enough to connote what is inside the story. It does not need further graphics nor pictures because those can only look the page a bit messy. What seemed a bit awkward to me was the mentioning of Colgate's Simply White product. It looked like it was just advertising the product and not giving tips to the readers. May be this could be minimized if Colgate's product was shown in a not too "hard sell" way. A small picture of its product on just one small corner of the page is enough to denote that this product is made to help people to maintain perfectly white teeth. Conclusion As for its "ethos", the magazine where it was published or advertised maintains a good credibility standards. Metro Magazine has been in the publishing industry for several years already, and so far, everything that is published or written in the every issue of this magazine are found to be of good value. Every reader who will be reading this material will surely not have any second thoughts on believing what has been claimed in the advertisement. With regards to the "pathos" aspect, the magazine advertisement is very objective. It has directly 'attack' the emotions of the readers, particularly the feeling of 'vanity'. I personally believe that each and every person desires to look good so as to feel good. The advertisement has made use of this idea. More so, it has created a tremendous impact to all the reader's minds that white teeth can indeed make one look beautiful and of course neat. Needless to say, this ad has attacked the mind and the hearts of all readers. It has enlightened the minds of the people on how one can maintain a pearly white teeth, while providing the hearts an avenue to aspire for additional beautiful attribute. With regards to the third aspect which is the "logos", this ad has provided logical proofs of what to do best with discolored teeth. It has given several alternatives or methods on cleaning one's teeth so as to remove stains and other matters that make it looks dirty. These things alone make this ad credible. on the first
HR and Leadership (new) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
HR and Leadership (new) - Essay Example ather than decision making. For HR to be leading the department should employ effective strategy and solution to resourcing and ensuring there is talent planning and development, service delivery is at its best with well-coordinated systems of communication which involves employee engagement and relations. Thus leading HR should be determined in performance and must reward employees on good work done. Above all the human resource management should be of credible personality, driven to deliver, decisive thinkers, role model and should have courage to challenge actions in the organization. Organization is important to ensure delivery of services and attainment of objectives if structural changes are effectively managed (Woodrow, 2012). Organizational structure of any firms matters a lot as if it’s well organized it will be easy to effect changes because the values , believes and attitudes set by an organization so there is well spelt out procedure on how everything is coordinate d in the organization including , communication systems and responds to the environment. Strategic human resource management relies mostly on resource based view of the firm which suggests human resource practices leads to high performance and sustained in competitive environment. Top management should ensure high technology is employed in firms to enable HR practices build up mentoring, give incentives to performing workers and also enable performance appraisal which encourages development of working relationship (Collins&Clark, 2003). HRM and worker performance Human resource development can be achieved be ensuring you hire only qualified individuals with potential of learning and adapting to changes and training them to increase their performance and increasing knowledge assets in the organization. Human resource management creates value and increases firm’s performance and also increases interactions between employees and customers which in turn shapes customers perspecti ve of the quality of service they obtain from the firm. If the employee put time and effort in satisfying customers’ needs this increases customers buying behavior and trust in the firms products hence the firm is able to maintain existing customers and all gain new ones as customer experience ultimately attracts new clients. Commitment of human resource department, impact the willingness of employee to satisfy customer’s needs and the general performance of the firm (McClean, 2009). HR departments have being viewed as the greatest assets in any organization and are actively involved in selection , training and ensuring changes are implemented to increase the performance of the firm is competitive in the current environment which translates to good results both financially and product wise . HR department must comply with the organizations objectives in order to ensure that any changes they impose are compatible with the client’s needs. Before any change is prop osed should be wide consultation among top management to ensure it’
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Role of management consultants Essay Example for Free
Role of management consultants Essay The article speaks about the role of management consultants in the present world. The demand for management consultants was brought about by the changes in business trends and priorities as we are shifting towards globalization. However, the author continued that although there are several changes in the business situation brought about by modernization and globalization, the role of management consultants remain the same. It is their responsibility to make oversee that business operations remain productive and efficient. Moreover, the responsibility of management consultants is to explore business situations in order to determine problems or difficulties, and through careful processing and planning, make out resolutions in order to resolve barriers that hinder the growth of businesses. The author cited several important roles that management consultants must have the ability to carry out and also characteristics that they should exhibit in order to provide beneficial services to their clients. The know-how and experience is highly important in management consultancy. Management consultants should know a variety of business situations from simple to complex, and have access to extensive resources in order to work with their clients efficiently and fittingly. Goal-setting and planning are other roles of management consultants. Working together with their clients, they must be able to set a direction for the management by determining pressing needs and requirements. Management consultants must be able to use their knowledge, skills, and experiences to achieve the goals and objectives of the management. Moreover, consultants should always be present to supervise, direct, and support the management in order to ensure that everything is going well as planned, and also to determine if there are some issues or concerns overlooked in the process. Another desirable quality of management consultants is flexibility and adaptability. Consultants should be able to formulate plans and business solutions that are suitable to the business or the management’s needs and concerns. Flexibility and adaptability means the ability to customize plans and business solutions, but at the same time be able to make changes as needed in order to make sure that the best possible solutions are carried out. In addition, management consultants should be able to assist the transition from management changes in an effortless way without causing much disturbance to the business setting. The article entirely speaks of the important of management consultants to management and supervision, and to the business organization as a whole. It is highly interesting that the greatest influence is obtained most from the management consultants who are in charge of the management. With the ideas expressed in the article, the significance of management consultants is realized, especially in ensuring that management, supervision, and the business setting is well on its way to achieving its organizational mission, goals, and objectives.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Effectiveness Of Performance Related Pay In The Nhs Management Essay
Effectiveness Of Performance Related Pay In The Nhs Management Essay The following report evaluates how the aims of Performance Related Pay (PRP) schemes are underpinned by theory, focuses on how PRP theory relates to the aims and objectives of the NHS and considers how effective the current PRP policy is within the NHS with specific focus on whether the current scheme meets the needs of the current NHS organisation. The NHS has seen relative success where PRP schemes have been applied, with 51% of NHS managers recently commenting that PRP schemes in their trust had resulted in employees working harder. Although 61% of the staff involved with NHS trusts operating these schemes suggested the idea of rewarding performance was divisive and undermined the overall co-operation of its staff . The overall benefits of PRP include facilitating and implementing change in a structured manner, aligning the employees objectives with the wider goals of the organisation and introducing structured rewards in a fair fashion. Although the aims of the PRP scheme may be aligned to the business strategy, they will only succeed if the end goal is enough to motivate the individual. Within the NHS one would suggest there have to be additional concepts for performance management to focus on, such as content, departmental resource and career development for PRP schemes to be a success. When the introduction of PRP to any organisation is applied, it is supposed to encourage fairness and equality with rewards. However criticism of PRP within the NHS organisation suggests that it does not provide fairness and equality. Research has shown that the perception is that PRP benefits those in more fiscal or senior orientated roles than it does for those lower down the organisation. PRP schemes will be hard to introduce to NHS trusts where they do not already exist due to the nature of the structured role orientated pay scale and the inflexible nature of the NHS. This would be further compounded by the unionised nature of the NHS, with the unions likely to resist any move from collectivism to individualism in discussions about pay and contract conditions. Recommendations at the end of the report include consideration to the design of the scheme and how crucial this can be to the schemes future success: the need to manage PRP openly to prevent breakdown of relationships and thus prevent negative impacts on performance overall and the importance of clear management of objectives by individuals best placed to manage their teams. Evaluate how the aims of the Performance Related Payment scheme are underpinned by theory The initial concept of performance related pay (PRP) schemes were introduced as a way to reward employees for completing a specific goal. The sense of reward was expected to act as a motivator therefore the scheme was embraced with high expectations (Daniels, Macdonald, 2005:183). Assessment of organisational reward applications shows that performance is not the only way employees relate to being congratulated on doing a job well. However, it is suggested the benefit of using performance based reward systems has been in the applying of the statistical elements of the method, allowing for a clear and relatively objective means of performance measurement. (Shields, 2007:410/11). This suggests that organisations favour a method which provides a supportive conclusion with quantative evidence to back up decisions made that may favour one individual over another. Secondly the use of PRP schemes have been linked to wider business strategic plans which have sought to align the employees objectives with the wider goals of the organisation (Holbeche, 2009:219). However, performance based reward schemes have been criticised in recent years, despite becoming seen as the norm within organisational structures (Holbeche, 2009:219). Alternative applications can be rewarded through behavioural analysis in line with a set of parameters and goals. However, this method of reward has been argued as being subjective and open to abuse and interpretation (Shields, 2007:410/11). As such the use of performance management against tangible goals as a measure provides something concrete for the employee to be measured against which cannot be refuted (Shields, 2007:411). PRP schemes can however be heavily criticised when there is a belief the targets are not truly achievable (Lai, Tsui, 2009:116). Moreover there is a concern that where targets are consistently not achieved and are deemed inaccurate, the effects can be rapid demotivation with the workforce (Lai, Tsui, 2009:116). An additional aim of PRP can be the encouragement of equality and fairness, this is not that everyone should be paid the same but those that add value are rewarded appropriately in comparison to others that may not contribute to the same level. How does this theory fit into the organisations aims and objectives? The aims and objectives of the NHS centre on measureable statistics such as level of patient care, treatment times, waiting list turnover, number of patients seen and treated, level of discharged patients and sound fiscal management. These are rolled down from central government and managed by the individual NHS Trusts across the country. It is suggested that providing a tangible measure against which to be managed is a key element in the use of PRP within the NHS. The use of tangible goals means the objectives are clear and concise (Shields, 2007:410/11). Furthermore the NHS argues that the use of performance measures means there is an ownership placed onto the employee to perform to their expected level and for their manager to ensure they are learning and developing (Shields, 2007:410/11). The NHS has seen relative success where PRP schemes have been applied (Shields, 2007:411). Under these schemes the employees use individual goal setting applications, which instead of creating conflict; achieved motivation although in-depth assessment of the research found that the goal setting aspect of the measure was the most favoured element (it enabled a clear guide for the reward) the behavioural assessments were deemed subjective (Shields, 2007:411). However one might argue that whilst this may work within a public service sector environment there are contrasts within private industry. The directed use of strategic alignment can pitch departments against each other creating internalised conflict (Schienmann, 2009:142). Furthermore people can be encouraged to apply their focus in a directed way which means they stop looking at the wider picture. In doing this there is the potential to create a funnel and individuals end up working at cross purposes instead of working together (Schienmann, 2009:142). Furthermore contrasting these statistics is the idea that public sector employees see financial reward as a secondary motivator to work harder (OECD, 2005:74). This is supported by research into all public sector environments, which suggests that job content and career development are primary motivators to increase performance (OECD, 2005:74). This is supported with recent research into the NHS management structure. During questioning into applied PRP, 61% of the staff involved with NHS trusts operating these schemes suggested the idea of rewarding performance was divisive and undermined the overall co-operation of its staff (OECD, 2005:73). This was implied to be because there was a lack of team discipline and people worked as individuals. This behaviour was cited as unacceptable within an environment that made life and death choices based on teamwork (OECD, 2005:73). On the other hand the same research contradicts this idea; stating that when questioned 51% of NHS managers suggested that PRP schemes in their trust had resulted in employees working harder (OECD, 2005:74). As such one might argue that the use of performance related pay schemes only work when the individual is financially motivated, and this could be applied to all sectors, public and private. Therefore there is an argument to suggest that although the aims of the PRP scheme may be aligned to the business strategy they will only succeed if the end goal is enough to motivate the individual. Within the NHS one would suggest there have to be additional concepts for performance management to focus on such as content, departmental resource and career development. Although the theory of PRP may be applicable, the practice does not necessarily translate into a high performing team. Critically Evaluate the Effectiveness of this Scheme One might debate the effectiveness of the performance related pay schemes within the NHS depending on the expected outcome. It is assumed that the expectation within employee groups from the introduction of PRP is increased morale and improved performance which therefore increases operational output (Lai, Tsui, 2009:116). Yet it should also be considered that the scheme can be used as a method to employ goal setting policy within an establishment where this has not been done before. Research suggests that the introduction of PRP validates the implementation of goal setting within public sector environments regardless of motivational output (OECD, 2005:76).This could be considered a significant benefit of the application of PRP within a wider assessment of the scheme. Furthermore the implementation of PRP provides the opportunity to redefine established organisational performance norms (OECD, 2005:76) and allow the NHS the advantage of being able to implement change in a structured manner. However it can also be argued that change in itself carries the potential for overall internalised threat (Huston, Marquis, 2008:178). Research suggests that when not welcomed, change has the ability to inject conflict into the organisational structure (Huston, Marquis, 2008:178). This means the focus moves away from the primary strategic aim. Moreover, conflict can send negativity around the workplace, ensuring non-compliance, and removing any degree of support for any performance based schemes (Huston, Marquis, 2008:178). Unfortunately it would appear the scale for conflict is high within the NHS when PRP is discussed. If the trust is considered as a business organisation the application of PRP means that pay adjustments can be applied in a measured way which can therefore become a strength (OECD, 2005:76). However, this means the counter argument becomes a weakness from the employees perspective (OECD, 2005:76). As such one would argue that changing to a PRP scheme will reduce the involvement of the trade unions because the focus moves from collectivism to individualism as a discipline (Gall, 2003:13). This could be seen as a weakness because unlike privatised industry the NHS environment is cited as being more static with less flexibility between positions and employee expectations (Gall, 2003:13). It is suggested that the termination of the collectivism power would leave NHS staff negotiating for contracts in the same way private industry do. This leaves the employees open to increased discrimination between financial rewards at the same grade levels. This is seen with the introduction of flexible working hours for employees, which effectively abolishes the overtime model for staff, and the theory implies that staff would no longer be financially compensated for working additional hours over their standard agreed contract rate (OECD, 2005:76). On the other hand the introduction of flexible working is defended as necessary within modern society. As such this implies that the change in financial application by moving to PRP incentives should not be seen as a weakness but a strength or opportunity to open the job market up to new applicants. Moreover research suggests that the use of performance related pay within the NHS environment provides a recruitment incentive and improves staff retention in the long term (OECD, 2005:76). Conclude whether the scheme meets the needs of the organisation One might argue that the introduction of PRP to any organisation is applied to encourage fairness and equality with rewards (Redman, Wilkinson, 2009:160). However criticism of PRP within the NHS organisation suggests that it does not provide fairness and equality with its rewards (Abel, Esmail, 2006). Research suggests that although PRP is adopted, there are inherent weaknesses in the application of the initiative and previous discriminations against gender and ethnicity remain prevalent despite the results of performance based measures (Abel, Esmail, 2006). This is further supported with a government review of the NHS performance review process. This research found a large number of consultants who voiced their concerns over both racial and gender discrimination within the PRP, however they also suggested discrimination based on their medical specialism and the degree to which the individual contributed towards management decisions existed alongside traditional discriminations (Abel, Esmail, 2006). Thus one may suggest that the performance reviews favoured those who worked in more high profile specialisms, which could provide additional funding. On the flip side of this discussion however is the consideration that those lower in the organisational structure would welcome the opportunity for performance based pay rewards in order to grow their roles and develop their careers. However this research implies their performance is isolated in comparison to that which benefits the wider business model needs. In recent research conducted in this area it was concluded that incentive polices such as PRP have provided a positive knock on effect where quality and safety are concerned. This point is interesting as in an environment such as nursing, one would have assumed quality of care and safety are principle fundamentals of patient expectations. However performance is massively improved when the employee is offered additional reward for reaching targets in these fields (Kurtzman et al, 2011). The research however goes on to suggest that the use of incentive schemes place an increased burden and creates a blame culture for nurses without addressing the infra-structure needs that the NHS trusts require to meet the targets set for them, This shows that the adaptation of PRP can be seen as being a double edged sword within the NHS system (Kurtzman et al, 2011). Report Conclusion The research appears to suggest that the performance based incentive schemes meet the base needs of the NHS as they make the basic principles of nursing happen in accordance with expectations. However an incentive scheme such as PRP cannot overcome the lack of adequate environment, staffing levels and low salary level. As such this implies that performance based pay does not work as a motivator for the existing workforce. Neither would one conclude that it works as a recruitment incentive as was previously suggested. Instead the implication is that the use of performance based incentive schemes means that those with power can continue to reward those they single out for success, whilst the remainder of the workplace organisation are left to manage with inadequate environments in which to meet the targets they are given. One might determine an outcome borne from two potential directions. In one case if the NHS is seen as an organisational structure and not as a public service, the use of PRP may be seen as successful. As a scheme this allows management to reward those individuals who are benefiting the NHS. From within this it can be assumed the discrimination that occurs is justified. However on the other side if the NHS is viewed as a public service with its key members being the front line staff, one would have to conclude that PRP does not benefit the needs of the organisation. Nursing graduates are decreasing in numbers; the vocation is increasingly seen as a difficult environment with insufficient financial reward and high expectations (Chitty, 2005:36). Following these arguments one would have to conclude that the use of a PRP scheme would provide the NHS with specific benefits when linked into an open environment which supported fairness and equality. However the current organisational structure of the NHS is not conducive to producing the environment needed to make this ideology successful. Instead work is perhaps needed with the basic infrastructure of the NHS organisation before additional performance plans will be able to achieve the required outcome for the operation. Recommendations for the management of PRP within the NHS There are several recommendations to be made for the management of pay within the NHS. These are as follows; Design of the scheme When PRP schemes are adopted, the design of them is crucial to their success and application (Redman, Wilkinson, 2009:134). Not only is it necessary to consider what will work for the majority of the workforce, but it is also vital to link the work of the individual into the wider team dynamic (OECD, 2005:86). As such when incentive schemes are applied, the link between teamwork and the individual is necessary in order to ensure a performance measure that involves the wider strategic picture of the organisation (OECD, 2005:86). In the case of the NHS this would be rectified through adapting some of the schemes considered elitist and improving some of the base working conditions which affect a wider degree of the working population. One would assume this will improve morale and create a workforce that wants to achieve targets and attain performance rewards. Communication When introducing performance related ideology the implementation has to be anticipated and managed openly (OECD, 2005:86). When relationships break down internally the need for consolidated teamwork becomes harder, this affects all forms of performance (Redman, Wilkinson, 2009:134). Within the NHS business model this argument is applied especially when managing trade union relationships (OECD, 2005:86), especially because this sector is driven by collective bargaining Furthermore this is particularly relevant because the core competencies of the roles have to be the same within the medical profession. The hierarchy has to be clearly defined by actual role competencies which enable staggered payments. Therefore performance based payment becomes harder to manage because each level should work at the same rate. Moreover this suggests the link between performance based pay and goal setting is vital in ensuring that employees are enabled to achieve and maintain their goals within fair and attainable means (OCED, 2005:87). Measurable Objectives Within the NHS organisational model one would assume targets for performance will centre on measureable statistics such as treatment times, waiting list turnover, number of patients seen and treated, level of discharged patients. These provide clear and measureable targets for people to meet and the measure is quantitative therefore enabling a degree of concise clarity to the measure. However research shows that providing clear statistical measures within the NHS model results in internalised pressure which manifests through the lower ranks (Kurtzman et al, 2011). Therefore one would argue this supports the need to correct the basic infrastructure within the organisations, prior to implementing reward schemes for employees. Management of Objectives When applied, the goals provided must be clearly managed by team leaders within the confines of the department or ward. This means the head medical staff responsible for these staff members have to take on a level of responsibility for managing their team as well as coping with their medical expectations. One might argue this is especially difficult within the NHS model and compounds the issue of burden and blame as medical professionals find themselves having to become more like managers (Kurtzman et al, 2011). This is known to be a contentious argument for medical professionals who chose their roles as vocations (Kurtzman et al, 2011). Stimulate Change Research suggests that performance related incentives should be used as a way to stimulate and introduce change into organisational structures (Redman, Wilkinson, 2009:135). This can be achieved through challenging the status quo and looking at new ways to manage (OECD, 2005:89). It could therefore be supported that the introduction of performance related pay into NHS trust models is applicable. As an observer one may assume the NHS organisational model has not particularly been challenged in decades, thus this strategy enables a fresh way of adapting new methods.
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